A review of all major coincident indicators follows.
Economic indicators that coincide with economic movements are coincident indicators. Coincident indicators by definition do not provide a forward economic view.
Excerpt from Philly Fed Report
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has released the coincident indexes for the 50 states for October 2012. In the past month, the indexes increased in 41 states, decreased in four states, and remained stable in five states, for a one-month diffusion index of 74. Over the past three months, the indexes increased in 39 states, decreased in six states, and remained stable in five states, for a three-month diffusion index of 66. For comparison purposes, the Philadelphia Fed has also developed a similar coincident index for the entire United States. The Philadelphia Fed’s U.S. index rose 0.2 percent in October and 0.6 percent over the past three months..
For Comparison – Conference Board’s Coincident Index (red line):
/images/z conference.png
For Comparison – ECRI’s USCI (U.S. Coincident Index)
/images/z ecri_coin.png