by Surly1, Doomstead Diner
“Violence is as American as cherry pie.” – H. Rap Brown​
The year 2019 has had notable accomplishments and disasters: China became the first country to gain access to the far side of the moon, thus announcing itself in the space race, the Ebola epidemic continued in the Congo, birds and insects continue to die at alarming rates, upsetting natural ecosystems everywhere, drought continued in southern Africa and, more recently, Australia, in combination with ruinous bush fires. California continued to burn during the autumn months.
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War continued in Yemen, with millions on the brink of famine and starvation. Protests swept the world, from Haiti to Hong Kong, also making appearances in Chile, Ecuador, and Bolivia. (It seems some folks don’t like neocolonialism as much as the west does.) Migrants continue to flee from the Middle East and Africa, and Central America, to places with more hospitable climate and arable soil; Nationalists shrieked in horror, rushed to build walls and whip up furor against potential newcomers. Brazil’s Boisonaro continued to burn the Amazon rainforest; people around the world wringing their hands. United States declared a trade war with China, beginning with the US charging Huawei with fraud. Suicide attacks sparked Indian conflict with Pakistan, which seems like a headline which could be reported every year. India made bold to enact new nationality laws which would exclude Muslims. Terror attacks continued, As a white nationalist killed 50 in New Zealand in March. The first image of a black hole was created. California had earthquakes. Trump shut the government down in January and reopened it several weeks later.
A man killed 22 people In a mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso. Enthusiast planned a “raid” on area 51, which started as a joke but later went viral. It fizzled. Julian Assange was arrested in the UK and held for extradition. Fire broke out at Notre Dame cathedral, A comedian was elected president of Ukraine, and would find that his dealings with United States were anything but funny, and Trump met with Kim Jong-Un after they “fell in love.” Kim Jong-Un later met with Vladimir Putin, sending a message that he was not prepared to go steady. The US attempted to foment a coup in Venezuela against President Nicolas Maduro, but failed, but managed to foment one in Bolivia to oust Evo Morales, and succeeded. Narendra Modi won a landslide victory in the Indian general election. Theresa May resigned, unable to wrangle Brexit, but Boris Johnson succeeded her, and won an election with enough of a mandate to put Brexit on a path to becoming reality.
Robert Mueller testified, and was a snooze, but Fiona Hill testified and was riveting. Millions thought Mueller was going to emerge from his prosecutor’s office and slap a pair of cuffs on Trump, but forgot that he reports to Bill Barr, Trumps Roy Cohn, and the most corrupt Attorney General of a lifetime, and this includes John Mitchell. Perhaps the biggest political news was a shifting power dynamic in Washington DC, as the consequences of the 2018 elections came to bear in the house brought articles of impeachment against Fat Orange, and at years end they sat on the edge of Nancy Pelosi’s desk, awaiting Mitch McConnell’s next move. Trump’s approval fell to 39% during January’s partial government shut down, and support for impeachment and removal rose to 55% at years end.
Just to review the bidding, ​One person compiled a list of 100 impeachable offenses by Trump. Here are the top 50.
The ordeal of Trump and his impeachment has been dealt with to death by other sailors with better maps. So this Year end review will not deal in depth with the many depravities of the Trump Crime Family, or with the cottage industry of racists, opportunists buffoons, failkids and grifters who have seen their profiles undeservedly elevated as a result of the Trump presidency: pardoned war criminal Edward Gallagher, Ben Shapiro, Matt Gaetz, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Milo, Candace Owens, Stephanie Grisham, Jordan Peterson, Diamond and Silk, Joseph-Goebbels-cosplayer Stephen Miller, Jim Jordan, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, that chattering set of dentures Rudy Colludy, Meghan McCain, Scott Baio, and the entire extended Trump family.
There is plenty to consider apart from our politics as we lift our gaze from our black mirrors, blinded by normalcy bias and unable to imagine changing any of our carefully-calibrated plans to consider harbingers of doom and collapse. I have reviewed a year’s worth of postings within the Doomstead Diner Forum and the Doomstead Diner Daily to compile the stories that marked our slow and steady descent. One thing is certain: no one will be able to say “they didn’t know” as we spin down from a high-energy post capitalist civilization to an uncertain, uncharted future where there will be less of everything for everyone.
William Kunstler, in a break from his usual obsequious Trumpsucking, paints the picture as well as anyone in, “There Is No Normal.”
We landed in the New World five hundred years ago. It was full of good things that human beings had barely begun to exploit, laid out like a banquet. There was plenty of good virgin soil for growing food, the best timber in the world, clean rivers and great lakes, ores full of iron, gold, and silver, and down deep a bonanza of coal and oil to drive the wheel through very flush times. The past century was particularly supercharged, the oil years.
Imagine living through the very start of all that, the blinding, fantastic newness of modernity … An emergent cavalcade of wonders: electricity, telephones, railroads, subways, skyscrapers! And in a few more years movies, cars, airplanes, radio. Even the backstage wonders of the day were astonishments: household plumbing for all, running hot water, municipal water and sewer systems, refrigeration, tractors! It’s hard to conceive how much these developments changed the human experience of daily life.
Even the traumas of the 20th century’s world wars did not crush that sense of amazing progress, at least not in North America, spared the wars’ mighty wreckage. The post-war confidence of American society achieved a level of in-your-face laughable hubris – see the USA in your Chevrolet! – until John Kennedy was shot down, and after that the delirious moonshot euphoria steadily gave way to corrosive skepticism, anxiety, acrimony, and enmity. My generation, booming into adulthood, naively thought they could fix all that with Earth Day, tofu, and computers, and keep the great wheel rolling down into an even more glorious cybernetic nirvana.
Fakeout. That’s not where the wheel is going. We borrowed all we possibly could from the future to pretend that the system was still working, and now the future is at the door like a re-po man come to take away both the car and the house. The financial scene is an excellent analog to our collective psychology. Its workings depend on the simple faith that its workings work. So, it is easy to imagine what happens when that faith wavers.
We’re on the verge of a lot of things coming apart: supply lines, revenue streams, international agreements, political assumptions, promises to do this and that. We have no idea how to keep it together on the downside. We don’t even want to think about it. The best we can do for the moment is pretend that the downside doesn’t exist.
This is where we are. If you are reading this, you know it. The following sections and articles document what’s happening to us. Some of the stories have some exposition. Others do not. Follow the link if the headline interests you.
Breaking Apart
Some years ago a Russian, former KGB operative Igor Panarin, predicted that the US would break up into separate countries. Panarin is a Russian professor and political scientist best known for predicting that the United States would disintegrate within the next few years.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
“Panarin is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations.”
Lately other writers are expanding on this concept of Balkanization of the US. According to author Colin Woodard, the United States can be divided into 11 distinct sub-nations (see the above map). Woodard takes Panarin’s idea to another level, and is far more granular. Panarin posited that parts of the balkanized former US would affiliate with other countries; Woodard does not.
Woodard defined and illustrated the regions in his 2012 book “American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America.” Some regions sound familiar, like the “Deep South”; others might surprise, such as the “Midlands” region that stretches from New Jersey to northeastern New Mexico.
“The country has been arguing about a lot of fundamental things lately, including state roles and individual liberty,” Woodard, a Maine native, told Business Insider … In order to have any productive conversation on these issues, you need to know where you come from. Once you know where you are coming from, it will help move the conversation forward.”
Whether fact or metaphor, the image of a country coming apart is useful in order to understand what follows.
Demography is Destiny
In an Atlantic article, How America Ends- A tectonic demographic shift is under way. Can the country hold together? Yoni Applebaum writes,
As partisans have drifted apart geographically and ideologically, they’ve become more hostile toward each other. In 1960, less than 5 percent of Democrats and Republicans said they’d be unhappy if their children married someone from the other party; today, 35 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of Democrats would be, according to a recent Public Religion Research Institute/Atlantic poll – far higher than the percentages that object to marriages crossing the boundaries of race and religion. As hostility rises, Americans’ trust in political institutions, and in one another, is declining. A study released by the Pew Research Center in July found that only about half of respondents believed their fellow citizens would accept election results no matter who won. At the fringes, distrust has become centrifugal: Right-wing activists in Texas and left-wing activists in California have revived talk of secession.
Secession notwithstanding, demographic shifts seem to fueling the white rage and nationalism that ignites the pyre of our current politics. (“You … will NOT replace us!”) The theme of her article is that moderate Republicans can “save America.” The fatal flaw in this argument is that there are no longer any “moderate Republicans,” and that the Republican party is the party of Trump, meaning the party of Atwater, Rove, and ascendant white nationalism, who having tasted power are loath to give it up. The Rs have the power to nominate and approve unqualified right wing ideologies to pollute the federal bench for generations, and if they have to resort to right wing paramilitaries to keep it that way, so be it. Stories that moved this year that illustrate this:
The US white majority will soon disappear forever
The relentless factories of hatred, fear and lies: on the ultraconservative and reactionary waves
Yes, America is divided. The real story is how, why, and who benefits
Will America’s billionaires start a second Civil War to protect their wealth and power?
Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds
The ‘Russia Hoax’ Is a Hoax
Donald Trump Is the Mad-King President Our Founders Feared Most
“We’re Americans, And We’re Fascists”: Inside Patriot Front
Top Military Officers Unload on Trump
The commander in chief is impulsive, disdains expertise, and gets his intelligence briefings from Fox News. What does this mean for those on the front lines?
This article was timely given Trump’s announcement regarding removing American troops from Syria. Since they should not have been there in the first place, this seems a good thing. Except that we left the Kurds (who have fought wars for the Empire in pursuit of their own autonomy and based on American promises) in the lurch and to the tender mercies of Erdogan. I am old enough to remember how the Americans recruited the Hmong in Vietnam and Laos, then abandoned them after their utility in the US’s “secret” wars was spent.
As we speculate on next steps for what the military will do when Trump refuses to leave, I found this article instructive. On the other hand, I wish Mad Dog Mattis were still part of Pud’s cabinet, as I deemed him most likely offer him the vigorous backhand of common sense.
If Trump Rage Brings ‘Civil War,’ Where Will Soldiers Stand?
The moment may come when soldiers have to choose between the Constitution and Donald Trump. No doubt most will embrace the Constitution. But some will see that as a tough call.
Trump Is ‘Last Hope for White People,’ Said Police Chief on Trial
Russian Secret Weapon Against U.S. 2020 Election Revealed In New Cyberwarfare Report
You Can Smell the Fear
8chan Is a Normal Part of Mass Shootings Now
Three white-nationalist shooters appear to have posted manifestos on the same troll forum. Here’s how 8chan became a meme-filled refuge for hate.
This Billboard Is a Sign of the Wild and Dangerous Forces Surging Through the Country
Forces that Donald Trump, American president, is actively stoking. Welcome the harvest sown in the wake the USA PATRIOT Act and follow-on legislation, by those who want to offer aid and succor to white supremacists while criminalizing opposition to them. The families of Eric Garner, tamer rice, Sandra Bland, et al were not asked for comment.
Two senators want antifa activists to be labeled ‘domestic terrorists.’ Here’s what that means.
The lack of a central governing system for antifa creates the risk of wrongly applying the label to all counterprotesters of white supremacists, according to the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that opposes anti-Semitism. This kind of mislabeling, the ADL said, could cause police to violate the civil rights of peaceful activists.
The ADL said antifa activists’ violent tactics are wrong, but that antifa and white supremacists are not equivalent. Far-right extremists have killed hundreds of people in the past decade, the ADL said, while there have been no known antifa-related killings.
Fascist Activists Have Spent The Last Year Trying to Win Over Police
Trump-Drunk Republicans Are Choosing Russia Over the Constitution
If the Republiconfederates thought about it, they would be attempting to insure that this was a nation of laws rather than men so that their descendants would be treated equitably. But no one in this country engages in thinking about anything except making the quarter, so it is probably unfair to single outright wingers for being guilty of short-term thinking. Instead, they line up in unthinking support of El Jefe, because they are terrified of opposing him, and getting primaried from the right.
The Day People Disappeared and a New Strategy for Stealing Votes
Broken white men and the racist media that fuels their terrorism
America’s Cult of Ignorance
More people are better educated than ever before, and knowledge is easier to come by. So why do we so often scorn those who plainly know more than we do? File under, “The Death of Expertise.”
Unrest Everywhere
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
. . — W.B Yeats (The Second Coming)
This oft-quoted poem is a relevant today as it was when written 10 decades ago. Protests raging on the streets of cities around the world in the past months have triggers that vary with the locale. But what fuels them are common themes: stagnating middle classes, stifled democracy, economic inequality and the bone-deep conviction that things can be different – even if the way forward is uncertain.
More than 500,000 people rallied in Barcelona … amid a general strike after Spain sentenced Catalonia’s former separatist leaders to prison.
In Hong Kong, the police fired tear gas and anti-government protesters lit fires as tens of thousands of people marched today despite an official ban and attacks on the march promoters.
Chile declared a state of emergency after a transportation fare increase set off violence and looting. Subway stations, banks, buses and the headquarters of the country’s largest electricity provider were burned. Lebanese protesters enraged by corruption and dysfunction marched in Beirut and other cities, calling for the government’s overthrow.
Knowing about what happened to Allende was one of the ends of my innocence, and one of my way-stations on the road to collapse. Learning this story drove home what US foreign policy REALLY meant to a 23 year old with shit for brains, as well as the important lesson that Henry Kissinger was the spawn of Satan. The US was not going to tolerate a Marxist in Chile; but a fascist was just fine. Pinochet was Nixon’s man. So they sponsored a coup.
Pinochet’s Chile featured crimes against humanity, persecution of opponents, political repression, and state terrorism for openers. From Wikipedia:
The most prevalent forms of state-sponsored torture that Chilean prisoners endured were electric shocks, waterboarding, beatings, and sexual abuse. Another common mechanism of torture employed was “disappearing” those who were deemed to be potentially subversive because they adhered to leftist political doctrines. The tactic of “disappearing” the enemies of the Pinochet regime was systematically carried out during the first four years of military rule. The “disappeared” were held in secret, subjected to torture and were often never seen again.
We’d later learn that coup plotting, torture and wet work were the curriculum at the School of the Americas (now rebranded a la Blackwater, “The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.” Your tax dollars at work.
And an added bonus, Chile got the classical unrestrained “free market” policies of Milton Friedman, enforced by the military junta, which yielded a bumper crop of human rights violations, institutionalized brutality, and drastic control and suppression of every form of meaningful dissent. The fact is, the truth of what happened in Chile was not that hard to find inside the US. Another fact is that no one cared.
And Haiti is on the brink of collapse because of a power struggle between its president and a surging opposition movement that has led to weeks of violent demonstrations and left streets across the country barricaded. Related stories from 2019:
Human Rights Watch supports US-backed far-right coup in Bolivia, whitewashes massacre of indigenous protesters
Media Silent as Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Massacres Indigenous Protesters
Suppressing Dissent Guarantees Disorder and Collapse
The FBI’s Long History of Treating Political Dissent as Terrorism
Civil Unrest Is The New Normal Out There
A world on fire: Here are all the major protests happening around the globe right now
Tensions High as Far-Right Rally Tied To Threats Hits Portland
FBI Received Reports That Border Militia Was Training to Assassinate Prominent Democrats
Larry Hopkins, the leader of an extremist militia group known as the United Constitutional Patriots was arrested by the FBI in April after videos emerged of the group rounding up and detaining migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in New Mexico. According to the New York Times, the FBI first became aware of Hopkins activities in 2017, when they received reports that his group was “training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama because of these individuals’ support of Antifa,” according to newly unsealed court documents.
49 killed in terrorist attack at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand
New Zealand suspect inspired by French writer who fears ‘replacement’ by immigrants
Ocasio-Cortez hits NRA after New Zealand shooting: ‘What good are your thoughts and prayers?’
As QAnon Goes Mainstream, Trump’s Rallies Are Turning Darker
Under Trump, conspiracy theories and an all out assault on the truth have created a strange new reality.
‘I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on earth’
A self-proclaimed white nationalist planned a mass terrorist attack, the government says
Imagine what we have to look forward to in an election year.
Environmental Collapse
“A society’s fate lies in its own hands and depends substantially on its own choices.”
― Jared Diamond
Few know what COP25 stands for (COP means Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.) The 25 stands for the 25th year that such an annual conferences has taken place, each year in different country, a tourist bonanza for the thousands travel but light on results and bereft of action steps.The COP 25 Failure in Madrid this fall encapsulates the impotence of governments around the world to acknowledge there is a problem with climate change, much less summon the will to do anything about it.
It is an illusion to believe that Big Business, Big Industry, Big Finance – and Big Growth-driven Profit – will yield to environmental or climate concerns. In spite of attracting 27,000 attendees, including Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Greta Thunberg, the conference achieved alomst nothing.
Ultimately, however, the talks were unable to reach consensus in many areas, pushing decisions into next year under “Rule 16” of the UN climate process. Matters including Article 6, reporting requirements for transparency and “common timeframes” for climate pledges were all punted into 2020, when countries are also due to raise the ambition of their efforts.
UN secretary general Antonio Guterres said he was “disappointed” with the results of COP25 and that “the international community lost an important opportunity to show increased ambition on mitigation, adaptation & finance to tackle the climate crisis.”
This section has many links. The headlines tell a story of their own, with news that is almost unremittingly bad.
Sea Level Rise
The Arctic Is Undergoing Changes Scientists ‘Never Expected Would Happen This Soon’
With Sea Level Rise, We’ve Already Hurtled Past a Point of No Return
Global Warming Will Drown Bangkok, Shanghai, Mumbai
150 million people are currently living in places that will be below high-tide in 30 years, according to new research
Nine climate tipping points now ‘active,’ warn scientists
IPCC report: Sea levels could be a metre higher by 2100
Sea Level Rise Maps
Speculative maps showing the changes to our world from an 80m sea level rise. Effectively all ice on earth having melted. Created with a variety of climate science reference, digital elevation models, and Photoshop.
Alaska’s Sea Ice Completely Melted for First Time in Recorded History
Big Heat
The hellish future of Las Vegas in the climate crisis: ‘a place where we never go outside’
‘Bleak’ U.N. Climate Study: World on Track for Up to 3.9 Degrees Warming by 2100
In Greenland’s Melting Ice, A Warning on Hard Climate Choices
Melting permafrost in the Arctic is unlocking diseases and warping the landscape
A Weather Station Above the Arctic Circle Hit 94.6 Degrees Fahrenheit
Over the past year, teen climate activist Greta Thunberg gained increased global attention for her work. From speaking in front of the United Nations to creating Fridays for Future,
Greta Thunberg Speaks the Horrific Truth of Humanity’s Fate
Xraymike returns to the keyboard with another lighthearted frolic.
We’d Better Retreat from the Coasts While We Still Can, Scientists Urge Amid Climate Crisis
Do it now or do it later, with much, much worse outcomes.
Soil in the Arctic Is Now Releasing More Carbon Dioxide Than 189 Countries
Oceans losing oxygen at unprecedented rate, experts warn
Following a Familiar Script, U.S. Withdraws From Paris Climate Pact
Experts declare climate emergency and warn of ‘untold human suffering’
EPA to Weaken Public Protections Against Toxic Coal Ash in Water
Insects are going extinct in DROVES, finds new study
Dark money is pouring in to protect the “worst energy policy in the country”
Report Shows ‘Stunning and Dramatic’ Scenes of Thawing Permafrost in Siberia That ‘Leaves Millions on Unstable Ground’
There used to be 4 billion American chestnut trees, but they all disappeared
When the Vampire Squid says it’s bad, perhaps even the elites will listen. They won’t listen to Greta, but when the Squid speaks …
Global Burning
Welcome To The Third World, Part 30: California Burning In The Dark
We’re About to Become People Fighting Desperately Fighting For Survival on a Dying Planet, and It’s Not Going to Be Pretty
Or, When Self-Preservation Takes Over, It Usually Takes Civilization, Democracy, Decency, and Sanity With It
Experts Brace For An Apocalyptic Future As Earth’s Forests Burn To The Ground
Amazon fires could accelerate global warming and cause lasting harm to a cradle of biodiversity
Amazon on fire: ‘The earth isn’t dying. It’s being killed.’
Scientists shocked by Arctic permafrost thawing 70 years sooner than predicted
(How) Climate Change is a Hangover of Colonialism, Exploitation, and Slavery
(Why) Climate Change Isn’t About Your Burger – It’s About (Centuries of) 10% of the World Growing Rich by Leaving 90% of the World Poor
Europe is burning just as new research offers a chilling truth about the volatility of climate change
Cooler years mask the underlying behaviour of the system. As natural variations move in the other direction, they can unleash a period of supercharged heating
Satellite Images Show Vast Swaths of the Arctic On Fire
Vast stretches of Earth’s northern latitudes are on fire right now. Hot weather has engulfed a huge portion of the Arctic, from Alaska to Greenland to Siberia. That’s helped create conditions ripe for wildfires, including some truly massive ones burning in remote parts of the region that are being seen by satellites.
The New Trail of Tears: How climate change is forcing the relocation of species, including our own
Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change
The North Atlantic ocean current, which warms northern Europe, may be slowing
Climate scientist Michael Mann says:
‘We are 50 to 100 years ahead of schedule with the slowdown of this ocean circulation pattern.’
Heatwave: Think It’s Hot in Europe? The Human Body Is Already Close to Thermal Limits Elsewhere
Earth’s Ancient Life Forms Are Awakening After 40,000 Years in Permafrost
By 2050, many world cities will have weather like they’ve never seen, new study says
Humans destroyed 10% of wilderness in just 25 years
The poisons released by melting Arctic ice
This remarkable Greenland photo highlights extreme Arctic melting
Report: Prepare for the Climatic Collapse of Civilization
The end of the Arctic as we know it
Arctic Is Thawing So Fast Scientists Are Losing Their Measuring Tools
Previously thought stable permafrost terrain high in Arctic is melting due to increased summer temperatures
Start planning for catastrophes, new EPA document says
Release of a government report means that even the last to know, know. regardless of their public posturing. Research details how human-caused climate change is contributing to record heat, more-intense storms, more-severe flooding and other events.
‘What Could Be More Important?’: World Leaders, Media Ignore Biodiversity Report Detailing Mass Extinction Event Now Underway
California’s monarch butterfly population drops 86% in single year
‘Almost certain extinction’: 1,200 species under severe threat across world
Climate of North American cities will shift hundreds of miles in one generation
Science, Sensationalism, and the Lessons of ‘Insectageddon’
Humans Are Wiping Out Species So Fast That Evolution Can’t Keep Up
Arctic sea ice loaded with microplastics
Plants are going extinct up to 350 times faster than the historical norm
Food and water
Water is a growing source of global conflict. Here’s what we need to do
Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity, says IPCC
Why does Stamford company director say: “We are going to starve to death?”
‘Biggest Crisis No One Is Talking About’: Quarter of Humanity Faces ‘Extremely High Water Stress’ Intensified by Climate Emergency
The world needs topsoil to grow 95% of its food – but it’s rapidly disappearing
Ruined crops, salty soil: How rising seas are poisoning North Carolina’s farmland
Climate Change Is Here – and It Looks Like Starvation
Over One-Tenth of Global Population Could Lack Drinking Water by 2030
First global look finds most rivers awash with antibiotics
Almost two-thirds of the rivers studied contained enough antibiotics to contribute to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Victoria Falls dries to a trickle after worst drought in a century
Himalayan glaciers that supply water to a billion people are melting fast
Expert Says Indians Will Soon Become Water Refugees Heading for Water-Rich Europe
Rajendra Singh, also known as the “Waterman of India”, says over 70 percent of the country has dried up, and this may lead to climatic migration to other countries.
Part 2 will follow tomorrow.
Appeared on Doomstead Diner 29 December 2019.
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