Written by Michael Clark
“Proof” of Cycles
The next step is my proof that history actually moves in 36-year cycles. “Proving” is a difficult concept here, since one has to accept a kind of geometrical reality in the universe. Let’s first begin sketching; we can then move to more precise proofs later, if at all, in some cases.
Let’s work out way back in time. Here are the cycles; and we will only begin with American history through the Twentieth Century. Others with such an interest can carry this work back in time, where they will find a continued amazing clarity. In a very real sense, the Day belongs to the Father; and the Night belongs to the Mother.
2019 -2037 – Patriarchal Day-Cycle (Republican Fatherland)
2001-2019 – Matriarchal Night-Cycle (Democratic Motherland)
1983-2001 – Patriarchal Day-Cycle (Republican Fatherland)
1965-1983 – Matriarchal Night-Cycle (Democratic Motherland)
1947-1965 – Patriarchal Day-Cycle (Republican Fatherland)
1929-1947 – Matriarchal Night-Cycle (Democratic Motherland)
1911-1929 – Patriarchal Day-Cycle (Republican Fatherland)
1893-1911 – Matriarchal Night-Cycle (Democratic Motherland)
First, I should begin by addressing the ‘proof-seeking’ Left-Brain and warn that morphological pictures are decidedly Right-Brain: rigid literalness must be left at the door. Flexibility of understanding needs to be exercise. Patriarchal Day-Cycles will not show only Republicans being elected, with Matriarchal Night-Cycles showing only ‘collectivists’ Democrats being elected. Think of history as a series of waves, not as a series of objects. Both the Day-Cycle and the Night-Cycle are tides that rise and then recede.
Seasons of History
Does History repeat? That is an important question for this discussion. I say History does not repeat; but the Seasons of History do repeat. History is the seemingly chaotic manifestation of objects, individuals, which do not repeat. Napoleon does not come twice. Spengler would argue that Napoleon and Alexander the Great are the same archetype. That is a much deeper discussion, requiring more knowledge than I have at the moment. What I say is the objects do not repeat; but the waves repeat. The aggregation repeats.
Winter begins every year on December 21. This is a scientific description, a proven fact. Ok. This does not mean that every Winter is the same narrative. Some winters are mild. Some winters are killing. Some winters are prophetically destructive. Every Winter begins on December 21 and ends on March 21. In terms of Time, every Winter is exactly the same. In terms of Space, all winters are unique and not repeatable.
In 1983, Ronald Reagan became the embodiment of the returning Patriarchal Day Cycle, the Sun eclipsing the Democratic Moon, which had been enthroned from 1965-1983. 1983 is Midnight; which is, on the larger seasonal scale, Winter — when the Sun is reborn according the myth. December 21. December 21 marks the greatest expansion of the Lunar Season, one that begins at nothing (or almost nothing) at High Noon, in 2001. From 2001-2019, the power of the Shadow grows and grows, becoming a giant in 2019. The then Shadow begins to dissipate.
The Democrats are this Shadow Force, this Moon-Shadow Force. I avoid the terms Good and Evil — because these are merely Ego constructs designed to convince us we are on the Good Side, the Smart Side, the Quality Side. The Moon’s quest is spiritual expansion. The Sun’s quest is material expansion. Both of these quests are good, and necessary. But both end — both are interrupted, when the metaphorical Hour-Glass is revolved at the end of the season. As in the Hour-Glass, those sand-elements that were once on top wake up to find themselves, now, on the bottom.
My argument is that the Hour Glass gets turned every 18 years. 2019 will be another turning of the Hour-Glass. 2001 was such a turning. 2001 marked the end of the Fatherland, and the beginning of the Motherland. 1965 did also. Clearly the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 by the Shadows from the Underworld — attack Phallic Symbols representing the Global Economy — is a clear statement symbolically. The Day-Cycle is phallic by nature. Men extend spears of conquest into nature and build the world of cities in rectangular blocks reaching high into the sky. The Night-Cycle is also phallic, but in an inverted sense: inward. The Moon is a symbol of the Womb. And the womb is the circle inside of which the seed of the next world is planted. The Day-Cycle is the Tree of Life. The Night-Cycle is the gestation of the seed of the next tree, which will reincarnate when the archangel of Time blows his trumpet announcing a new Growing Season.
Noon (Summer) is ALWAYS the absolute extension and the beginning of the death of the Solar Hero who has brought light and life back to the Earth 18 years earlier. Noon, in terms of our 36-year cycle, is 1929, 1965, 2001. Who or what died in 1929? Symbolically what death did we experience of the Fatherland near those trumpet blasts? The Day-Cycle is about business, money, civilization, global expansion, empire, wealth, light, comfort. In 1929, Wall Street crashed. What shadowy force caused Wall Street’s crash? Time did. Of course there was a shadowy force that accompanied Time’s edict. Global fascism. Nazism. Backward-looking deconstructionism, which hates Modernity, and believes in absolute principles, eternal time, rather than ‘progressive’ change, the Human experience of time.
It is always the expansionist Western Empire that dies at Noon, the Left-Brain, the Worldly conqueror, which is always eclipsed by the Lunar God, the Inward Empire, the Inverse force of the Outward Quest, the Right-Brain.
Midnight (Winter) is ALWAYS the absolute extension and the beginning of the death of the Lunar Hero, the Anti-Hero, the one who hates and punishes Body Life, Modernity, which is seen as a transgression from the true life of traditions, looking backward to one’s ancestors, and toward, ultimately, God, the Beginning of all life. Midnight is also ALWAYS the birth or the re-birth of the Solar Hero, the White King, the West, the Individualist. The Sun saves the world by bringing the Growth Season back to the world, Change, Development, Evolution.
Spiritual Expansion, the Right-Brain, the Night-Cycle and the Female Principle, always casts guilt on the Body, for it is always the Physical Body that ‘sins’ during the Day-Cycle Physical Expansion. Growth conquers the world, imprisons the world, establishes a racial and/or tribal hierarchy on the world, establishes slavery and inequality. Physical needs are the basis of sin: hunger, thirst, desire for progeny, for wealth. (Sin is a word that comes from Babylonian religious mythology. Sin was a Lunar God; Allah also is a Lunar God; Jehovah, too, is a Lunar God.)
The Day-Cycle is a quest for physical evolution and individual destiny. The Night-Cycle is a quest for spiritual evolution and collective salvation. Neither is more important nor more real than the other. In fact, the two forces (the two in one) are both absolutely essential and absolutely equivalent in nature’s great drama. We have two seemingly opposite and opposing natures both of which we must fully evolve.
The Republican, Masculine Day-Cycle is the narrative of growth in the external dimension. The Democratic, Feminine Night-Cycle is the narrative of grown in the internal dimension. The Republican, Masculine Day-Cycle transforms into the Democratic, Feminine Night-Cycle and becomes its opposite at the end of every 18-years of manifestation. We do not tend to think this way; and so it is difficult for us to understand this process. When we thing about process (the Wave Function) instead of the product (the Object Function) then we begin to see that all of Life/Death is about process. We pass from the Object Function back into the Wave Function and back into the Object Function many times during our individual lives. Indeed, every day we pass from the Object Function into the Wave Function every night when we go to sleep. We die many times in our lives in this way, without understanding it as death. We die every 18 years as well, passing from Material Growth to Spiritual Growth, Individual Material Destiny to Collective Spiritual Destiny, usually without even noticing the transition. Economic depression is a sign of this transition from Life to Death. This happens every Noon (…1929, 1965, 2001…).
As certain as is our death is at Noon our rebirth begins at Midnight. (…1911, 1947, 1983, 2019…).
At Midnight, the Female Principle gives birth to a New Sun, a New Earth, a New Era, 36-years in length. The Moon (Noah’s Ark is a glyph of the Moon and the Womb (the Chaldean Nuah was the Universal Mother; the Egyptians celebrate Argha Noa, “Wet Moon”, when the Nile began to flood, during the Crescent Moon or Baby Moon cycle; to the Greeks the Ark was from Arkane, arcane, “Hidden” — the hollow where the seeds of Life were hidden or planted. The Greeks designated Diana, the Moon Goddess, the Argha, the Ship of Light. We remember Diana’s role is guiding the quest of Jason and the Argonauts and the quest for the Golden Fleece. Anything golden in myth refers to the Sun; anything silver refers to the Moon). The Female Principle is the Ark, inside of which Noah or “Spirit” rests (as seeds of the Next World), while the Old World is destroyed or deconstructed.
2016: The Ultimate in Cyclical Symbolism
We should stop as this time to note that never in the history of democracy has there been such a clear expression of this principle in action: Donald Trump is the Father Figure Day-Cycle; Hillary Clinton is the Mother Figure Night-Cycle. What is coming in 2019 is the expiration of the 2001-2019 Night-Cycle and the rebirth of the Left-Brain Father-Figure Patriarchy, or Donald Trump.
Every Night-Cycle results in the manifestation of Chaos, the First Principle. The Spiritual Quest of every Night-Cycle requires an “ordering of Heaven” — the Ordering of Heaven results in the Dis-Ordering of Earth, or Chaos. This ‘Growth of Chaos’ is regulated by the return of the ordering principle to the Earth. Day-Cycles are about the re-ordering (the re-creation) of Earth; Night-Cycles are about the re-ordering (the re-creation) of Heaven.
Man is the Ordering Principle
When he orders the Earth, the disorder in Heaven increases; When he turns his back on the Earth, after 18 years, to re-order Heaven, disorder on Earth increases. From 2001-2019, Man is ordering Heaven. And disorder or Chaos or Entropy on Earth is increasing.
In 2019, Man (the reborn-Sun Principle) returns to Earth and begins re-ordering Earth.
There is a counter-force. The counter-force is, in myth, the Sun’s twin brother. But it is also the Shadow. In science we now call this anti-matter. The role of anti-matter is to destroy what matter builds — and to create what matter destroys. From 1911-1929, the Material West built a version of the world that the Anti-Material East destroyed from 1929-1947. As I suggested, World Fascism was the form of the Shadow in that Era. From 1947-1965, the Material West built another, updated form of the world — resulting, as it always does, in the Global Vision, the Macrocosmic Unity. From 1965-1983, World Marxism destroyed that version of the world. From 1983-2001, the Material West (the Sun Hero) built another version of the City of God, a material version of this. And from 2001-2019, the Anti-Material East — this time Islamic Fascism — has been hard at work destroying this most recent creation, which Islam considers a false image, an idolatry.
The East is one of the Guardian Angels. The West is another. The North and the South are also Guardian Angels. Each has a different task, a different role in the process of creation and destruction.
This is Part 4 of a ten part series.
Part 1, Prologue and Introduction
Part 2, Perpetual Duality