by Rodger Malcolm Mitchell,
Why did Hillary Clinton lose, when she should have won in a landslide?
You will hear and read all sorts of theories – the FBI, Emails, lack of charisma, minorities didn’t vote, secrecy, and on and on – but sometimes the best answer is the most obvious answer.
Do you remember those thousands of people attending Trump rallies? Do you remember how excited they were?
They were the Democratic base, though they didn’t realize it, and Trump was telling them what they wanted to hear.
They were the working class, the less educated, the unemployed, the union members, the production line workers, the honest, compassionate, charitable people who had worked, and worked, and worked, and now no longer can afford to retire, or to send their kids to college, or to pay that outrageous college debt, or to pay their mortgage, or receive what our great economy has to offer.
They were the traditional Democrats – the FDR, HST, JFK, LBJ liberal-leaning Democrats, who simply wanted good healthcare, food, clothing, housing, education and retirement benefits.
It was these liberals who created Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and the other social programs that support the working class. It is these liberals who the conservatives belittle as “socialists,” and “communists,” and “takers.”
These are the people who help a neighbor even though they need help themselves, the people who drop their last coins into the Salvation Army Santa Clause’s cup, and don’t expect applause. These are the real Americans. These are the vast majority.
They are the Democratic base.
Trump told them two things:
It’s not your fault
I will fix it.
The new Democrats forgot about their base. The Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Democrats were not Democrats at all. They were Republicans in Democratic clothing.
They were conservatives.
They were the Bill Clinton who ran a federal surplus, thereby guaranteeing a recession that cost his base their jobs, and afterward asked for, and received $200,000 per speech.
They were the Barack Obama who wanted a “Grand Bargain,” which included cuts to Social Security and Medicare and cuts to the overall budget, all of which would impact the working class far more than the idle rich, thereby widening the Gap between the rich and the rest.
They were the Barack Obama who refused to prosecute, and still refuses to prosecute, any of the wealthy banksters who caused the Great Recession that took the homes, jobs, and savings from the Democratic base.
They were the Hillary Clinton who would be an Obama clone, and who held secret meetings with the criminal bankers, guaranteeing they could continue to rob the Democratic traditional base.
They were the Democratic National Committee that made sure Bernie Sanders would not be the candidate, despite his greater appeal to the Democrats’ traditional base.
Don’t search for esoteric and hidden reasons why Hillary lost. The Democratic liberal base, composed of ordinary, working class, compassionate Americans, is far, far larger than is the Republican conservative base of the rich, the bigots, and the religious extremists.
This massive majority would have voted for an “LBJ” Hillary, but instead were offered an “Obama” Hillary
Hillary lost for one reason, and one reason only. She allowed Donald Trump to take the Democratic base.
All the other reasons are just excuses.