Want to lose some weight or start eating more healthy?
Using greek yogurt in your cooking is a great way to start! Why? Because greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for lots of ingredients we use on a daily basis. Such as vegetable oil, mayonnaise, butter, creme fraiche, heavy cream, cream cheese, sour cream and milk. And because of the nutritional benefits of greek yogurt, you’ll be cutting on calories hard while at the same time boosting your protein intake!
For example, let’s say you’re making a cheesecake. You’ll probably be using more than a cup of cream cheese for that. Replacing the cream cheese with greek yogurt will cut the total calorie count by 658 calories. See how this works?
Most diets require you to not eat anything labeled as ‘unhealthy’, which makes it very hard to stick to them for a longer period of time.
By using greek yogurt as a substitute ingredient you can keep making the recipes you love, but in a healthier manner. Just make them with greek yogurt instead! This makes losing weight a lot easier, because you won’t have to constantly say ‘No’ things you love to eat.
Have a look at the infographic and see how you can start eating healthier by using greek yogurt!
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Source: http://www.nerdgraph.com/greek-yogurt-substitute-diet-plan/