Written by Frank Li
No, of course not! But he has been enjoying a God-like status in America, and sometimes he acts like one, as well. Why is that? What is the possible outcome of the Trump Presidency?
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1. Trump’s campaign
Donald Trump ran a completely unorthodox campaign and won the 2016 Presidential election. Two main reasons:
- He is a genius in campaigning.
- Democracy, as we practice it today, is failing. Specifically, Americans were so fed up with the existing political establishment that we were willing to try something, anything, different. Could anybody have possibly been more different than Donald Trump?
Michael Moore has a very good explanation of Trump’s win. Watch the video below.
2. Candidate Trump acted like a God
The image below is worth more than 1,000 words.
3. President Trump: governing vs. campaigning for 2020
President Trump has obviously fallen into the trap of “getting re-election ad nauseam,” at any cost. As a result, upon taking the office, instead of focusing on governing, he has obviously continued his campaign toward his own re-election in 2020. Three examples:
- To govern, his main constituents are Congress and foreign leaders, who find little value in, and often resent, his tweets! For more, read: President Trump: Getting Re-Elected in 2020, via Tweeting?
- Trump rakes in $10 million at first re-election fundraiser.
- Trump’s 2020 Re-Election Campaign Already in Full Swing.
The image below highlights President Trump’s biggest mistake.
Specifically, governing and campaigning for re-election are fundamentally different. To govern effectively, President Trump must expand his sphere of influence outwards all the way to the “rest”. In other words, do what’s best for the country!
On the other hand, for re-election, President Trump does what’s best for himself, addressing his core followers. Two examples:
- His responses to the Charlottesville tragedy. For more, read: President Trump: Governing vs. Campaigning for 2020.
- Trump Moves to End DACA and Calls on Congress to Act. The most important reason to keep a campaign promise is for re-election.
The more he talks to his core followers, the more they make him feel invincible, like a God!
4. Is American democracy doomed?
Yes, most likely! Read this classic piece: The Truth about Tytler. Below is an excerpt.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.
A dictator is often worshiped as a God. Fortunately for America, President Trump is not a dictator, yet!
5. Discussion
Like many Americans, I voted for Trump for one main reason: he was obviously the lesser of two evils. Today, despite all the problems with Trump Administration 1.0, I have so far no regret in voting for him. This speaks loudly about the hopelessness of American democracy.
Unlike most Americans, not only did I significantly contribute to his campaign (GOP Establishment vs. “We the people”), I have also spelled out the path to greatness, in human history, for him (Donald Trump vs. Deng Xiaoping). Unfortunately, he does not seem to have listened.
Overall, two simple questions and answers:
- Has President Trump already made America better? Yes! Any doubt? Just look at the stock market!
- Will he truly make America great again (and drain the swamp)? Highly unlikely! For more, read: President Trump: Governing vs. Campaigning for 2020.
5. Closing
The Trump Presidency is still young. So let’s continue to support President Trump, without blind worship, though.
To “Make America Great Again”, President Trump must focus on governing, instead of constantly campaigning for his own re-election in 2020. For more, read: President Trump Must Be One-Term, Voluntarily!
To truly “Make America Great Again”, President Trump must reform our failing political system, as I have suggested. For more, read the image below.
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