Thoughts For This Friday, 10-12-2012
This week has been another dismal trading week although it could be reasoned outstanding considering a comet didn’t crash into my home. For that I am thankful, but what are the odds of a catastrophic stellar event ruining my day compared to a Government resolute in destroying my wealth along with the MSM (Main Street Media) supporting almost every move?
Why can’t we simply live out our lives without the MSM ostensibly screwing us every day with disinformation? Are you, like me, getting tired of the same so-called ‘news’ crap continually handed out on a regular basis? Outrageously, we are expected to say thank you for the sugar coated bull$hit. So, what are you going to do about it?
As mentioned in last Friday’s report, I asked when is the government going to get out of our face and start protecting us from the bad guys out there instead of harassing us with gratuitous laws, piles of unnecessary paperwork and mendacious disinformation?
This week it is the Main Street Media (MSM) that is in conspiratorial efforts, mostly with themselves, to defraud the people of the United States with less than truthful reporting of events.
The media’s around the World are not the only ones to have a corner on disinformation and deceptive practices of controlling information. The MSM here in the USA also, and constantly, bombards us with skewed, and mostly deceptive, content that is continually, and conveniently for their self-serving intentions, lacking facts that would tell the ‘real’ story.
The line separating news and opinion is often blurred on purpose further confusing the public on what is real. They are feeding the ‘sheeples’ sugar coated bull$hit and while mostly following political party-lines, everyone is affected one way or another.
It is good that the United States has a free press guaranteed by the First Amendment, but seriously, is it really free? Or are we paying for it in other sinister clandestine ways that erode the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence?
Power has been said to be in the hands of who controls information. I ask, is there a moral platitude that should be included in reporting news? I mentioned that the little person, you and me, can do very little about all of the shameless shenanigans, possibly immoral, going on around and us seemingly screwing us at every turn.
Where we mostly see the MSM tweaking their news reports lately is ‘Leaking‘ by ‘Government Officials‘. It is best described by the MSM as “a harmless effort to add political spin” which is then an acceptable form of propaganda used in the MSM. The ‘sheeple’ continue to graze oblivious to the fact they they are being eaten alive from within and again, by the very same people that are supposed to protect it citizens by reporting truthfully and accurately.
Why does this tainted aggression against the public at large continue unabated? Primarily because of an undeniable truth that today’s everyday life has become very complex, fast paced and we are unsure of what tomorrow will bring. For most it is all one can do on a daily basis to keep ones head above the fray just to keep pace with their personal issues.
We do not have the luxury in today’s World to eschew over the perhaps dishonorable activities of others. Much less speculate why those who control the content of the MSM are trying to continually feed us misinformation and control us beyond reason instead of emancipation. We have to digest World events in sound bites that are easy to digest mostly unaware the fact they might not be truthfully accurate. Whether printed or viewed, they are designed to sound accurate and truthful all the while slanted. But only through a time consuming analysis and research will one be able to disseminate and verify the truth – maybe.
Unfortunately, many of the largest media outlets have owners and editors with an agenda promoting their own personal views instead of reporting current events without their bias factored in. That agenda has been in most cases political. These less than moral individuals are hellbent on changing your mind and vote.
Lately, several large financial outlets have gone out of their way to promote their guy and even how it will effect your investments. It doesn’t necessarily stop with just financial slants. Several media outlets have turned to personal attacks to those they disagree. Jack Welsh recently turned his back on two publications because of allowing attacks on the person and not the message.
In conclusion, I used to subscribe to most of the major financial magazines and local newspapers. I have since used those subscription monies to buy Power Ball tickets as I have a better chance of getting something in return.
According to, rapidly declining advertising revenues continue to be the industry’s core problem. And that is because there are fewer readers who have caught on to the sugar coated bull$hit.
It is obvious advertisers are jumping ship because readership is falling, how are you handling this situation? Write to me and let me know your thoughts.
To contact me with suggestions, questions or deserved praise:
Written by Gary