Written by Frank Li
Here is a recent headline news story: Russian troops take over Ukraine’s Crimea region. For many Americans who pay attention to the media, they would be under the impression that President Putin is terrible and America must do something about it.
Unfortunately, this impression is wrong, as usual, thanks to brainwashing by America’s political-media complex. In my humble opinion, President Putin has done the right thing for Russia, for sure, as well as for Ukraine, most likely, and there is no need for America to do anything!
Let me explain …
1. Ukraine
Like Russia, Ukraine has suffered two major blows in her recent history: communism and democracy! The damage caused by communism is widely recognized and undisputed. However, the damage caused by democracy is insidious and unknown. Here are three pieces of truth about democracy (one person, one vote):
Democracy is a proven failure in human history, without a single example of lasting success!
Democracy appears to have worked in America (or the West in general) for one simple reason: America could afford it, thanks to America’s superb free enterprise system (i.e. capitalism)! America is deeply in trouble now for one simple reason: America can no longer afford democracy, thanks to the rise of the emerging economies (Emerging Economies: An Overview from 30,000 Feet), which ended America’s economic monopoly after WWII. For more, read: The Coming Demise of America …
Democracy without robust capitalism first has proven to be a total disaster. Any doubt? Look at Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Ukraine! Democracy did not bring them any prosperity, but only miseries, especially on the economy.
So what did some of the Ukrainians do? They gathered in a place called “Independent Square”, ruined it (Ukraine unrest: The devastation in Independent Square), mobbed the capital city Kiev (and elsewhere), ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, who headed a democratically elected legitimate government, and installed a mob head as an interim president!
In other words, unlike Egypt, which overthrew a dictator named Mubarak, Ukraine overthrew its own democratically elected government, via a mob revolution!
How could America have possibly supported a new mob government like this? It’s a shame, totally!
2. Russia
The response from Russia was understandable for two main reasons:
President Putin did not cause this crisis. It was imposed on him by Ukraine.
Russia has to do what’s best for Russia, not only for the country and its citizens, but also for the region, for the long haul.
For more on Russia and President Putin, read: Mikhail Gorbachev vs. Deng Xiaoping and The 2014 Sochi Olympics.
3. The U.S.
Here is what the U.S. should have done:
The U.S. should have been an advocate for peace, not democracy, even by force sometimes (as in Iraq).
The U.S. should have supported President Viktor Yanukovych and his government, because that was the only legitimate government in Ukraine.
The U.S. (e.g. the media and John McCain) should not have sided with the Ukraine protesters to overthrow its own democratically elected government. It was a mob act, which would have been simply called “a terror act” in the U.S., and must therefore be suppressed without mercy, even if it means the use of force!
Unfortunately, the U.S. can no longer think properly (The America That Can No Longer Think, Politically). As a result, it often does more harm than good in international affairs. Ukraine proved to be no exception!
Here is what the U.S. should do now: nothing! Let the situation work its way out, over time.
Overall, Americans must understand these two points:
The biggest threat to America is a bankrupting economy at home!
Internationally, the more America does, the more it hurts America, for the past decade, at least! For more, read:
Bottom line: America can no longer afford to save the world, while bankrupting ourselves at home! For more, read: Democratic Imperialism.
Think, America!
4. Closing
For Ukraine, as well as for Russia, the best model to follow, after decades of ruin by communism, is China. For more, read: America: What is China, Anyway?
For Ukraine, it’s better off to align with Russia than with the EU! Why? Russia has what Ukraine needs most: natural resources. The EU, on top of having many problems of its own (America: What is the EU, Anyway?), offers little to the countries in the East (e.g. Poland or Hungary), let alone the former Soviet republics, other than employing them as cheap laborers …
Bottom line: Stop being fooled by democracy! It’s capitalism, stupid!