by Dirk Ehnts, Econoblog101
I have given some space to Alex. Hofmann for his ‘more realistic rules’ Modern Money Monopoly here. This is the teaser:
All you need is a classic ‘Monopoly’ board game. Then, you must make some changes to the rules (everything else stays as in original). The rules are only two pages and should work for kids, too.
Players begin with all the property distributed, but no money. Instead of government spending into the four player economy it taxes away every turn, making money more and more scarce. However, players can mortgage their property from the very start and build houses and hotels even when the neighbors disagree: this is capitalism! The following redistribution of income is much more interesting than in the original game, and the deflationary spiral much more fun than ever rising property prices. Also more realistic, in many regions of this world.
I played this with my students and recommend it. Continue here.