Econintersect: There is an ever-evolving mirror world out there that many will no doubt encounter in their personal and professional lives, the virtual world. Technology has now evolved to the point where business can be conducted anywhere in the world at any time.
However, professionals should keep a few things in mind before launching their next video meeting over the Blue Jeans Network. These tips will not only create a professional atmosphere for the meeting, but also help the meeting go as smoothly as possible for all parties involved.
The first tip for an effective video meeting concerns preparation. As with an in person meeting, preparation is important for the success of the meeting. During the preparation process, there are a few things to keep in mind, according to the site Chron. The list includes:
Setting a goal for the meeting. For instance, if you are trying to close the deal to obtain a major client for your company, this should be the goal.
Set an agenda for the meeting. Even in the virtual world, it is important to keep everyone on task and focused. Setting an agenda is even more important in the virtual world as people can easily become distracted without a physical focal point.
There is one other element of success to be completed prior to the start of the next virtual meeting. This one involves the choice of attire for the meeting. While the attire should be kept professional, the color palate is an important factor in what to wear for a virtual meeting. Colors and patterns can go a long way in creating a professional feel, no matter where the meeting is being conducted, according to PcWorld.
Some of the items to avoid include:
Striped patterns
Checked patterns
Overly bright colors
These items may actually distract the person or group on the other end of the virtual meeting.
Okay, so preparations are complete and the proper attire has been chosen for the meeting. Now it is time to move on to the most important element of the day, the equipment. Without properly functioning equipment any virtual meeting will be done, before it even begins.
The day of the meeting is not the time to become familiar with and checkout the equipment. Rather, these checks should be done at least twenty-four hours in advance in order to give enough time to address any problems that may arise.
Some of the equipment elements to keep in mind when planning a virtual meeting include the following, according to
A solid video conferencing program.
Laptops with built in webcams, so that everyone can see each other and any materials being used.
Headphones so everyone can hear.
Focus on the audio needs of the meeting. Pictures and documents can be emailed or placed in a Dropbox type program as a backup. However, the audio delivery is extremely important to keep in mind. Invest in at least two good microphones. Purchasing multiples will give you the opportunity to allow more than one party to speak during the meeting. If only one person is going to be engaging in the meeting, then having multiples on hand provides the benefit of backup equipment should something fail.
Speaking during a business meeting or any type of public forum can be a challenging task to some. However, there are tips and tricks that one can use in order to sound as professional and confident as possible during their meeting, according to Toastmasters International. Some of these include:
Become familiar with the material you are going to deliver.
Practice. This not only applies to the material, but also using the equipment.
Don’t apologize for nerves. Everyone gets anxious during meetings.
Prior to the scheduled start of the meeting, take time to practice if public speaking is not something you are comfortable with. Try not to stress yourself out; just make sure that you are going to be comfortable with the material that needs to be delivered during the meeting.
Follow Up
The final element of an effective video meeting is the follow up. This is the time when meetings can be very neatly wrapped up. Follow ups can serve many purposes including:
Keeping parties who were not able to attend the meeting updated on what took place.
Determining if and when another video meeting needs to take place.
Contacting parties mentioned during the meeting for further details and information.
Video meetings are quickly becoming an important tool in the business community. Whether a company needs to contact a vendor or is trying to connect with a client halfway around the world, the technology now exists to let them do so. A successful, effective video meeting can positively impact a company in the same way that an in person meeting would.