Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary “reading list” which will include very brief summaries of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for “reading list” items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number accepted.
- Destitute Chilean Farmer Defeats Monsanto in Landmark Legal Victory (Sustainable Pulse) Hat tip to Roger Erickson. The farmer won the battle but lost the war. It seems that the settlement ordered by the court was far less than what he lost and his indebtedness.
- Global-Warming Slowdown Due to Pacific Winds, Study Shows (Alex Morales, Bloomberg)
- Monnet’s Brandy & Europe’s Fate (Strobe Talbott, The Brookings essay) Read also Roger Erickson’s comments at Open Operations Forum.
- House Approves Higher Debt Limit Without Condition (Jonathan Weisman and Ashley Parker, The New York Times) For additional background background see House GOP leaders will bring ‘clean’ debt-ceiling bill up for vote Tuesday night (Robert Costa, Paul Kane and Ed O’Keefe, The Washington Post)
There are ten more articles listed, summarized and/or excerpted ‘behind the wall’.
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