Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary “reading list” which will include very brief summaries of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for “reading list” items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number accepted.
- Mexico Surpassing Japan as No. 2 Auto Exporter to U.S. (Brendan Case, Bloomberg) Next year (2015) Mexico is expected to export 1.9 million autos to the U.S. and surpass the current number 1, Canada.
- Half of Today’s 27-Year-Olds Are More Than $10,000 in Debt (Daniel Luzer, Washington Monthly) About 80% of today’s 27-year old Americans have some debt and 55% have more than $10,000. And in 2011 a 27-year old was more likely to earn less than $15,000 a year than to earn over $40,000.
- NSA leaders split on giving amnesty to Snowden (CBS Evening News) Hat tip to Roger Erickson. See GEI News report containing a Snowden interview (in English) on German TV last week.
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