Econintersect: Recently ProPublica and PBS Frontline have collaborated on an investigation of problems in the large industry of providing assisted living facilities for seniors no longer capapable of living independently. Whether the restrictions inhibiting living alone are physical incapacity or mental degeneration, the prospect of needing such living arrangements may eventually be presented to tens of millions of Americans. And some of the stories associated with the experiences of those who have travelled this road are quite concerning.
A.C. Thompson and Jonathan Jones at ProPublica have worked for over a year to collect evidence of problems in the assisted care industry. A series of comprehensive articles have resulted as well as a PBS Frontline program. Note: Please click on “Play Again” after starting the video below.
Watch Life and Death in Assisted Living on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.
Some of the factors that should be considered by those in search of an assisted care residence, according to PBS Frontline, are:
- Making sure that medical support that may be needed is provided;
- When visiting a prospective facility (and always, always, always visit) talk at length with residents and staff;
- Review for-profit facilities especially carefully for risk that maintaining profit margins could impact services;
- Understand what potential extra fees may be in addition to the “sticker price”;
- Beware that admission agreements may also be liability waivers for residents;
- Location of a facility is far less important than the quality;
- Review a residence facility with area long-term care ombudsmen.
Read the complete review by James M. Breslow at PBS Frontline from which this list was abstracted.
- “The Emerald City” (A.C. Thompson and Jonathan Jones, Propublica) Part 1 of four – follow links in article for following parts.
- Life and Death in Assisted Living (PBS Frontline, 31 July 2013) Program video and complete list of articles.
- Seven Questions To Ask When Searching for Assisted Living (Jason M. Breslow, PBS Frontline)
- The Deaths and Disappearance that Haunt Assisted Living (A.C. Thompson and Jonathan Jones, PBS Frontline and ProPublica, 01 August 2013)