Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list runs the numbers on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac …….. and the last article discusses the politics of obesity.
Facing Fannie Freddie Facts (Robert Waldman, Angry Bear)
11 Examples Of The Escalating Crime And Violence That Are Plaguing Communities Across America (Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse) Hat tip to Russell Huntley. Comment from Roger Erickson: “Rookie bad cops beat you up and steal. Sophisticated bad cops ‘confiscate evidence.’ After enough experience, they go into TBTF banking.”
Helping Housing (The New York Times) NYT graph annotated by Econintersect:
What You Need to Know About the Newspaper Buying Frenzy (Chad Fraser, Investing Daily) Chad Fraser has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
New Mexico is the driest of the dry (Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times) Hat tip to Newsana.
Strike less hard (The Economist) Hat tip to Rob Carter. Most of the world’s executions can be credited to China. But also that country is the primary contributor to reduction of executions. Last year there were 3,000 put to death, in 2002 there were 12,000.
G20 report warns of global tax chaos (Patrick Wintour and Simon Bowers, The Guardian) “International tax system cannot deal with mobile multinational firms that shift profits to low-tax countries, says OECD thinktank.“
Gold Bugs Index on 10-year Support … A Must Hold! (Chris Kimble, Advisor Perspectives) Chris Kimble has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
Click on chart for full large image.
A Killer App for Google Glass? (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)
Obesity Lessons for Liberals and Conservatives (Margaret Talbot, The New Yorker)