Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has …….. and the last article is ……..
- On the Poor Definition and Measurement of Corruption (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)
- When does a Chinese growth deceleration become a crisis? (Kate Mackenzie, FT Alphaville) Growth is slowing but rebalancing away from high investment is not happening.
- Heeding the Appraisers’ Fraud Warnings Would have Prevented the Crisis (William K. Black, New Economic Perspectives) William K. Black contributes to Global Economic Intersection. Between 2000 and 2007 11,000 appraisers warned in written petitions of mortgage fraud by senior officers of mortgage lenders. See also GEI News.
- Mapping China’s Middle Class (Dominic Barton, Yougang Chen and Amy Jin, McKinsey Insights and Publications)
- NAHB: Builder Confidence increases in July to 57, Highest in 7 Years (Bill McBride, Calculated Risk)
Click on graph for larger image.
- How the media outrageously blew the IRS scandal: A full accounting (Alex Seitz-Wald, Salon) Did you know that only progressive groups were denied tax-exempt status – not one conservative group?
- Israel’s indigenous invaders (Neve Gordon, Nicola Perugini, Al Jazeera) Hat tip to Roger Erickson. Israel’s ‘final solution’? Israel justifies the immanent relocation of thousands of Palestinian Bedouin by characterizing them as invaders.
- Strategy switch at Bank of England (Chris Giles, Financial Times) QE to end.
- Thug Politics (Evan Williams, Naked Capitalism) A report on Greece’s Golden Dawn.
- Is America experiencing a failure cascade? (Fabius Maximus) Fabius Maximus has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.