Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has Jeffrey Gundlach’s opinion that recent volatility of interest rates has nothing to do with inflation …….. and the last article argues that mortgage debt is the mother of all bubbles.
- Gundlach: What’s Inflation Got to Do With Recent Volatility? Nothing (Daniele Andrus, ThinkAdviser)
- The Case for Allowing U.S. Crude Oil Exports (Blake Clayton, Council on Foreign Relations)
- Banks Win Again: CFTC Caves, SEC Opens Door Wide Open to Fraud (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)
- The Largest and Most Rapid Shift in Expected U.S. Monetary Policy since 1994. The largest Contractionary Shift Since 1981 (Brad DeLong) Brad DeLong has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- India Joins Brazil to China in Tightening Liquidity: Economy (Kartik Goyal and Unni Krishnan, Bloomberg) The mortar is setting up in mixer for three of the four BRICs.
- Supreme Court Bombshell: No Right to Remain Silent (Joe Wolverton, The New American) Hat tip to Newsana. No more innocent until proven guilty?
- Drinking The Water: Is Giardia A Real Threat? (Dan Crane, Adirondack Almanack)
Click on picture to see source.
- China Slowdown Brings Ordos Bust as Li Grapples With Credit (Bloomberg) Coal mining boom town shutters up.
- Decapitated worms can regenerate their brains, and the memories stored inside (Sebastian Anthony, Extreme Tech) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism. How many more impossible facts don’t we know?
- Mother of All Bubbles Pops, Mess Ensues (Wolf Richter, Testosterone Pit)