Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has Michael Hudson’s discussion of debt deflation and privatization following the credit bubble …….. and the last article is Ian Bremmer’s analysis of the economic dilemmas facing both China and the U.S.
- Michael Hudson: From the Bubble Economy to Debt Deflation and Privatization (Michael Hudson, Naked Capitalism) Michael Hudson has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- Did Silicon Valley Abandon Doug Engelbart? (Mike Cassidy, Silicon Beat) Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- World GDP (The Economist) Four years after the worst of the financial crisis and the world appears to be faltering again.
- Beyond Pity and Safety Nets (Dan Kervick, New Economic Perspectives) Dan Kervick contributes to Global Economic Intersection.
- Chief Justice Roberts, extremely right and extremely wrong (Rodger Malcolm Mitchell, Monetary Sovereignty) Rodger Malcolm Mitchell is a contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- The Lone Ranger tells us about America (Fabius Maximus) Fabius Maximus contributes to Global Economic Intersection.
- Are we having fun yet? {John Lancaster, London Review of Books) About the banks’ barely believable behavior.
- Reconciling Modern Monetary Theory with the Wisdom of Mark Thoma (Dean Baker, Center for Economic Policy Research) Dean Baker has contributed to Global Economic Intersection. This is a short article with interesting comments.
- Downfall in Cairo (Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy)
- China and America’s related, but inverse, dilemmas (Ian Bremmer, Bloomberg) “The United States’ House of Representatives and Senate has no billionaires. China’s parliament has 83.”