Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list reports China’s decision to reduce the amount of PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) data reported …….. and the last article is about the neglect of retirement planning by millennials.
- China Suspends PMI Details in New Hurdle for Analysis: Economy (Bloomberg) Curious timing following a scandal over fake invoices inflated trade numbers (and perhaps covered money laundering) last year.
- Surgery required (Daily chart, The Economist) “Health care in America is ludicrously expensive.”
- The Free-Trade Charade (Joseph Stiglitz, Project Syndicate) Suggests the world has trade managed by a few special interests rether than “free” trade.
- The Fed’s magic jobs number (Stephen Gandel, CNN Money, Fortune)
- ‘Chinese-Style Justice’ – 0 Points Gaokao Essay from Sichuan Mark Ye, China Smack) Hat tip to Business Insider.
- Japan in a Bind on Planned Tax: Fears Are It Will Hurt Rebound (Yuka Hayashi and Mitsuru Obe, The Wall Street Journal) Good article except that what is more like a Value Added Tax is mislabeled a sales tax, See also GEI News.
- Social Security moves to connect with PPACA hub (Allison Bell, Life Health Pro)
- Wall Street Fees Bleeding Pension Funds, Report Says (Gil Weinreich, AdvisorOne) Study of state investment systems shows indexing could erase $80 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.
- Gundlach Sidesteps Trap That Caught Gross (Bloomberg News) The sector involved was TIPS.
- Millennials Neglect Retirement Planning (Michael Cohn, Financial Planning) Nearly 70% of Millennials have no retirement plan, according to a new survey.