Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list reports on Japan’s plans for robots to keep their economy growing with an aging demographic …….. and the last article is about a dairy farmer with a retail business arrested for money laundering because he was depositing revenues received weekly.
- Japan Is Counting on Friendly Robots to Save Its Economy (Lily Kuo, The Atlantic)
- Breaking Bad Habits (Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate)
- It was crime at the time, but the laws, we changed them (John Holbo, Out of the Crooked Timber)
- France announces why it will abandon the euro (but doesn’t yet know it) (Rodger Malcolm Mitchell, Monetary Sovereignty) Rodger Malcolm Mitchell contributes to Global Economic Intersection.
- Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac: Mortgage Serious Delinquency rates declined in May, Lowest since early 2009 (Bill McBride, Calculated Risk) Read also GEI News.
- FHA Swamped By Defaults; Congressional Report Shows FHA Could Suffer Losses as High as $115 Billion; Shut Down Fannie, Freddie, FHA (Mike Shedlock, MISH’S Global Economic Trend Analysis) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism. Compare the defaults discussed here with the delinquency data reviewed in the Bill McBride article above and the GEI News article linked there. Someone should put the entire story together.
- A Eulogy For AltaVista, The Google Of Its Time (Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land) Hat tip to someone, but I have lost the thread. 🙁
- What is Science and Why Should We Care? (Alan Sokol, Logos) Hat tip to The Big Picture. A long, interesting and well researched paper which concludes:
“…transition from a dogmatic to an evidence-based worldview is very far from being complete.”
- US mortgage rates skyrocket (House and Holes, Macro Business)
- Feds: Dairy farmers violated banking statutes (Courtney Mabeus, The Frederick News-Post) Wow! Depositing weekly sales revenues for dairy products violated federal money laundering laws.