Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has a discussion of problems facing retirees and retirement systems based on the recent PBS Frontline broadcast …….. and the last article is by Nathan Tankus challenging Paul Krugman to read his own research.
Observations on ‘The Retirement Gamble’ (W. Scott Simon, Morningstar Advisors) Prudent Investor Advisors’ Scott Simon offers thoughts on the recent PBS‘ Frontline broadcast.
Innovative solar cell structure stores, supplies energy simultaneously (Mark Reichers, University of Wisconsin-Madison News)
Mr. Market’s temper tantrum Over Fed Tapering Talk (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism) Yves Smith has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
10 steps for avoiding estate planning mistakes (Ed McCarthy, Life Health Pro)
Financial Sector: Bigger and More Profitable Than Ever (Jesse’s Cafe Americain) On a previous list but can’t be seen too often.
Debt and Austerity in Europe: Who Will Pay for Growth? ( Robert Kahn and Steven A. Tananbaum, Council on Foreign Relations)
China Blogger Questioning Home Prices Taken to Tea Party (Bloomberg News)
The Myth of Giardiasis (Pete Nelson, The Adirondack Almanack) Also read the comments following the article.
Charity warns: Half of Britons living in 2020 will get cancer (Charlie Cooper, The Independent) Hat tip to Russell Huntley.
Nathan Tankus: Memo to Paul Krugman on the Eurozone – Read Your Own Research! (Nathan Tankus, Naked Capitalism)