Econontersect: Focus group research by market research firm, Perry Undem, indicates that both consumers and employers are leery of insurance brokers involved in the exchange systems set up under PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010). Particpants in groups in Washington DC also expressed “strong concern” about local government being able to operate the insurance exchanges. Adding to the skepticism was a low level of awareness about the PPACA exchange system, tax credits and exchange system options.
Here is a list from the report under the heading “Overall Feelings” (emphasis in the original):
There is low awareness of the details of the Affordable Care Act. Few know about the exchange, tax credits, or new coverage options.
Once the exchange is described, there is strong interest in using it to find affordable coverage.
Elements that are particularly popular include: cannot be denied because of preexisting conditions, financial help to pay for coverage, side-by-side comparisons, and the ability to get help (i.e., call center, assisters, etc.)
Small business owners like the ability to set a defined contribution and offer their employees choices.
The idea of financial help through tax credits is appealing but confusing.
And another list with the heading “Concerns”:
There is strong concern about the DC government being directly involved in running the exchange. Discussing an independent board does not allay those concerns. They worry about efficiency and accountability.
There is also some concern about having insurance brokers closely involved with the exchange.(more so by individuals but also among small business owners). There is a perception that they will give biased information.
Lower income individuals are not as comfortable online and will need ready access to customer assistance. While many will likely use telephone assistance, many lower income individuals in the focus groups also said they would like in-person help. Enrolling in health coverage is important and they want to make sure they do it correctly.
Continuing research will be carried out using surveys.
- Market Research for DC HBX, Insights from Six Focus Groups with Consumers and Small Business Owners in the District of Columbia, Perry Undem Research/Communication, 27 May 2013)
- Consumers, employers leery of brokers (Allison Bell, Life health Pro, 05 June 2013)