Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has still another article about rising bond yields …….. and the last article is about the declining levels of growth resulting as China’s debt increases.
- To Cheer or Fear Rising Bond Yields? (Alen Mettcih, The Wall Street Journal)
- Russians find mammoth carcass with liquid blood (R&D) Is cloning woolly mammoths coming?
- Six Facts Lost in the IRS Scandal (Kim Barker and Justin Elliott, Pro Publica)
- Middle Class Falls, Wall Street Rises … and Washington Dithers (Ron Fournier, National Journal) Last week’s “positive” economic news rings hollow to many Americans.
- Stop With the “Money Printing” Madness (Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism)
- Freedom dies while leeches still cannot cure anemia. (Rodger Malcolm Mitchell, Montetary Sovereignty) Rodger Malcom Mitchell has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- US Electric Utilities Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (David Dittman, Investing Daily) David Dittman has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- It’s Time to Change Focus From Reinhart-Rogoff Witch Hunts to Krugman’s Contradictions (F.F. Wiley, Cyniconomics)
- Keynes Answers His Critics (John Wasik, Forbes) One of the ways he answers is by being on a short list of one of the most successful investors of all times.
- China Failure to Grow With $1 Trillion Is Warning to Li: Economy (Kevin Hamlin, Bloomberg) Is China following the same pathway to debt exhaustion that the U.S. traveled before the Great Financial Crisis?