Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has Yahoo!’s vow to not srew up Tumblr …….. and the last article is about a huge pile of Canadian tars sands refuse collecting in Detroit.
- Vowing ‘not to screw it up,’ Yahoo buys Tumblr (Patrick Rizzo, NBC News)
- A balance-sheet fix to Social Security (Jim Roumell, The Washington Post)
- Maxed Out on Everest (Mark Jenkins, National Geographic) How to fix the mess at the top of the world.
- This was the week that was in the death of the Constitution (Fabius Maximus) Fabius Maximus has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- Stratospheric water vapor decline credited with slowing global warming (Dr. Jeff Masters, An explanation of the sudden change in global warming starting in 2000. See also “Has Global Warming Ended?” by Sig Silber.
- What About Marx? (Understanding Society) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism.
- The Savings Heist (Sell on the News, Macro Business)
Meta debt can bring down banks and governments, as we have seen. But it can’t be swapped in any obvious way into equity in order to reduce the risk. The only solution is to stop it, by setting rules that take it away. But that would require governments to govern, and that seems to be something they refuse to do – perhaps because they have been bought off, or perhaps because they cannot think clearly enough about their role in global capital markets.
- Sen. Warren demands to know why criminal bankers aren’t being locked up (Stephen C. Webster, The Raw Story)
- Revenge, ego and the corruption of Wikipedia (Andrew Leonard, Salon)
- A Black Mound of Canadian Oil Waste Is Rising Over Detroit (Ian Austen, The New York Times)