Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list discusses why so few bankers have gone to jail…….. and the last article asks why investors can’t imagine a collapse of the bond market.
- Why have so few bankers gone to jail?(J.R., The Economist)
- Wal-Mart will not sign Bangladesh accord (Jessica Wohl, Jennifer Saba, Toni Reinhold, Reuters) Hat tips to Pedro da Costa and Roger Erickson.
- German Euro-Skeptic Party Gaining Ground (Jane Paulik, Der Spiegel) See Dirk Ehnts’ commentary on this.
- Analysis: For all the debt, there’s a shortage of bonds (Mike Dolan, Reuters)
- Solar Max: Amazing Sun Storm Photos of 2013 (
- Beware of Target-Date Funds (Ronald L. Delegge, AdvisorOne)
- The Budget Deficit (Scott Brown, Advisor Perspectives) Read also Lee Adler on tax receipts.
- Finra charges BD chief with using investor funds for home remodeling, trips, decorations (Bruce Kelly, Investment News) Obviously, there was over-regulation. (Sarcasm warning.)
- Why Investors Can’t Imagine a Collapse of the Bond Market (Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal) Hat tip to FT Alphaville. “Investors are the prisoners of their past.