Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has Yves Smith discussing the problems for consumers as corporate control of health care increases…….. and the last article is about the destruction of a Mayan pyramid recycled for highway building material.
- Coming Corporate Control of Medicine Will Throw Patients Under the Bus (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)
- 10 Misconceptions About Your Mortgage (Alison Paoli, Business Insider)
- Monsanto Wins Genetic-Seed Case (Adam Liptak, The New York Times)
- Why Did the IRS Target Conservative Groups? (Megan McArdle, The Daily Beast)
- Debating Bill Maher on Muslims, Islam and US foreign policy (Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian)
- The Victorians were smarter than us, study suggests (Nick Collins, The Telegraph) Hat tip to Russell Huntley.
- US Warns Japan About Currency Debasement (The Daily Bell) Hat tip to John O’Donnell.
- ‘Inferno’: Dan’s Brown’s Best Book Yet (Malcolm Jones, The Daily Beast) As a Dan Brown fan we would hope this would rival the work by Dante with the same title. However, if it approaches The Da Vinci Code we will be more than happy.
- 2,300-year-old Mayan pyramid bulldozed (Associated Press, NBC News) Hat tip to Russell Huntley.