Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list discusses whether college is worth it …….. and the last article asks whether government actions have cost 2.2 million jobs.
- Is College Worth It? (Gil Weinreich, AdvisorOne) Twice as many bachelor’s degrees as jobs for them.
- Do-it-yourself invisibility with 3D printing (R&D) Wow! Become invisible for about $2,000.
- Analysts frantically revising Japanese corporate earnings projections (Sober Look, Credit Writedowns)
- Demand and Supply: The Fatal Flaw of Over Applying Static Logic in a Dynamic World (Roger Erickson, Mike Norman Economics) Roger Erickson is a Global Economic Intersection contributor.
- The two great American con jobs of the 21st century (Rodger Malcolm Mitchell, Monetary Sovereignty) Rodger Malcolm Mitchell is a Global Economic Intersection contributor.
- Radical fixes needed to make the euro work (Darrell Delamonde, MarketWatch) Hat tip to Roger Erickson. “Warren Mosler has a plan but no takers.”
- GOP Census Bill Would Eliminate America’s Economic Indicators (UPDATE) (Michael McAuliff, Huffington Post) Ignorance is good!
- Experts Agree The Fed’s In Big Trouble (Mark Sunshine, Forbes)
- Enron’s Skilling Poised to Get Decade Off Sentence in Deal (2) (Laurel Brubaker Calkins and Erik Larson, Bloomberg Businessweek) Hat tip to Roger Erickson who asked how many millions did Skilling steal?