Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list discusses our misguided healthcare strategy …….. and the last article says that antibiotic resistant bacteria are as big a threat as terrorists.
- U.S. manages disease, not health (Andrew Weil, CNN)
- 5 things to leave off your résumé (Debra Auerbach, CareerBuilder Writer, MSN)
- Nature follows famed Fibonacci number sequence (Lee Reich, Associated Press, Poughkeepsie Journal)
- The Hard Road Ahead (The Archdruid Report) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism.
- 24 Countries With Better Infrastructure Than America (Lisa Mahapatra, Business Insider)
- Cancelled! CPAC 2013! (The Political Commentator) Michael Hartman who runs The Political Commentator has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- Jim Rogers: We’re Wiping out the Savings Class Globally, to Terrible Consequence (Adam Taggart, Peak Prosperity)
- Most Recent European Great Ape Discovered (Science Daily) Hat tip to Roger Erickson
- State’s Rights And Daylight Saving Time (Lawrence P. Gooley, Adirondack Almanack)
- Antibiotics resistance ‘as big a risk as terrorism’ – medical chief (Fergus Walsh, BBC News)