Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list is an article about how Russia has become the largest gold buyer in the world (and a link to another which says the data is hogwash, it’s China loading up on gold) ……… and the last article argues the U.S. fiscal policy is upside down.
- Precious Metals Recap: Russia Becomes Largest Gold Buyer in the World (Eric McWhinnie, Wall St. Cheat Sheet) And the 5 Min. Forecast says the Russia story is hogwash.
- How to be an Asteroid Miner (Planetary Resources) See also GEI News.
- Neil Barofsky Tells Jon Stewart How the Ego and Narcissism of Washington Preserve a Broken Status Quo (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)
- Why Do Banks Get Away With Murder? (Daniel Gross, The Daily Beast)
- “Sequester” Budget Cuts appear more likely (Bill McBride, Calculated Risk)
- The largest criminal enterprise in history (Rodger Malcolm Mitchell, Monetary Sovereignty) Rodger Mitchell is an occassional contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- The difference between Christianity & Libertarianism marks a line between America & the New America (Fabius Maximus) A summary of some of the most illogical ideological relationships in politics. Fabius Maximus is an accassional contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- Silver – Better Than Gold: A Modified Coppock Indicator for Silver (George Vrba, Advisor Perspectives)
- U.S. Fiscal Policy is Upside Down (John Cassidy, The New Yorker)