Econintersect: Americans are dissatisfied to a similar extent with both major corporations and the federal government. According to poll results release by Gallup, the very satisfied or somewhat satisfied are only 35% to 36% of the population. As low as this is, it is up from readings around 30% one and two years ago.
Click on graphic for larger image.
Before the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) corporations were more favorably viewed than was the federal government, both declining from peaks after the 9/11 attacks. But as we approached the GFC the two opinions got closer together. There is no data for 2009 and 2010, but it appears that the averages for the two categories have reached a tight embrace.
But that close correlation breaks down when the poll results are segregated by political party preference. Republican are much more favorably disposed toward corporations and Democrats toward the government.
Click on table for larger image.
Editorial comment: Political ideologies seem to have confused the citizenry. How much difference is there between the federal government and major corporations? Demagogs have obviously been able to convince the two political groups that there is a difference and that the differences favor government over corporations or vice versa.
A curious result of the polling came in answers to the question: Would you like to see major corporations have more influence in this nation, less influence, or keep their influence as it is now?
Only 6% want more influence, a not surprising result. But only 46% want less. The other 48% were either completely satisfied (35%), dissatisfied but wanted no change (9%) or had no opinion (4%).
- Americans Similarly Dissatisfied With Corporations, Gov’t (Gallup, 17 January 2013)