Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has Michael Hudson’s take on the Ace Greenberg suit against the government for the AIG takeover…….. and the last story is EconMatter’s explanation why physical delivery for agricultural commodities should be required.
- The Delicious Irony of Morris Greenberg’s AIG Suit Against the US Treasury (Michael Hudson) Michael Hudson is an occasional contributor to Global Economic Intersection, with a four part Opinion series running currently.
- Oracle Fixes Zero Day Java Flaws: Patch Now (Matthew J. Schwartz, Information Week) GEI News had the story out shortly after the announcement Sunday.
- Bond Vigilantes and Math Sustainability of Fiscal Deficits (L. Randall Wray, EconoMonitor) Randy Wray is an occasional contributor to Global Economic Intersection. Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- The Coin (Carlos Mucha, The New York Times) Mucha (aka beowulf), the “creator” of the platinum coin, reflects on its future after the current rejection. Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- INTERVIEW: We Found A Congressman Who Actually Understands Economics (Joe Weisenthal, Business Insider)
- ‘No Labels’ Adds Washington Muscle to Reform Washington (Ron Fournier, National Journal)
- Islamists Vow to Destroy France (Serge Daniel, AFP via Google and The Daily Beast)
- AIG and the New Victim Mentality (Shah Gilani, Wall Street Insights & Indictments) Shah Gilani ios an occassional Global Economic Intersection contributor.
- Carbon Planets Turn Earth’s Chemistry on Its Head (John Matson, Scientific American)
- Physical Delivery Needed in Agriculture & Energy Markets (EconMatters) EconMatters is an occasional contributor to Global Economic Intersection.