Econintersect: William K. Black (pictured), Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri Kansas City, is a frequent contributor to Global Economic Intersection. Regular readers here will know that he has been an outspoken critic of prosecuted criminality in the financial system. But what was he saying in 2005, long before the stress in the financial system became more apparent in 2007 and finally came to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008?
It turns out that he was trying to bring attention to the fraudulent activities of the time which bear a frightening resemblance to those that have followed. It was in 2005 that Bill Black’s book “The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One” was published and he did some “book tour” thing-a-ma-jigs. Today we have the video of one of those appearances, following the Read more >> break.
Hat tip to Tom Christoffel via Banking and Monetary Reformers Group, LinkedIn.