Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of our reading list discusses the economic role of household formation …… and the last article by Yves Smith describes how Fannie and freddie are being used for a backdoor bank bailout.
- The Most Overlooked Statistic in Economics Is Poised for an Epic Comeback: Household Formation (Derek Thompson, The Atlantic)
- A Look Back: The Year in Energy (Robert Rapier, Investing Daily)
- Could Google Lead the Next Tech Revolution? (Mark Knapp, Wall St. Cheat Sheet)
- Comment on House Prices, Real House Prices, and Price-to-Rent Ratio (Bill McBride, Calculated Risk) See our Analysis article.
- How to disarm Trump’s Treasonous “Nuclear Weapon” (William K. Black, New Economic Perspectives)
- China Opens Longest High-Speed Rail Line (Keith Bradsher, The New York Times)
- Nontraded-REIT valuations holding steady at year-end (Bruce Kelly, Investment News) After years of decline, estimated values down slightly or up in December.
- Over the Cliff (Scott Brown, Advisor Perspectives)
- Why are we debating cuts to Social Security? (Dean Baker, Al Jazeera) Dean baker is an occassional contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- Administration Planning to Use Fannie and Freddie to Provide More Stealth Stimulus (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)