Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of our reading list is a discussion of automation and income inequality …… and the last article is additional analysis of the Community Reinvestment Act’s contribution to the housing bubble.
- Blogs review: Robots, capital-biased technological change and inequality (Jérémie Cohen-Setton,
- Death at Yosemite: The Story Behind Last Summer’s Hantavirus Outbreak (Bruce Barcott, Outside)
- Where is Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy on Big Bank Crimes and Obama? (Matt Stoller, Naked Capitalism)
- Clayton Villa’s The Creep (Powder Magazine) Urban skiing – – – who needs mountains?
- The ultimate 21st Century cage match: Titanic Government vs. the National Security Iceberg (GI Wilson, Fabius Maximus)
- How the Fiscal Cliff Battle Is Really Just a Battle of Demographics (Ronald Brownstein, National Journal)
- Are Roth Conversions Still A Viable Strategy? (Scott Michalek, Financial Advisor Magazine)
- Nate Silver confuses cause and effect, ends up defending corruption (Cathy O’Neil, mathbabe)
- In the USA when income grows, who gains? 1976 – 2008 (chart) (David Ruccio, Real-World Economics Review Blog) Hat tips to Tom Hickey and Roger Erickson.
- CRA and the Housing Bubble (Adan Levitin, Credit Slips, 19 December 2012) See also Mike Konczal’s analysis.