Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of our reading list for today has an article about tax breaks for corporations that would fall off the fiscal cliff……. and the last is about how corporate investment has already fallen off a cliff.
- US tax breaks worth $159bn face axe (James Politi, Financial Times)
- It’s the Surplus, Stupid…. (Nilly Essaides, International Treasurer, 2001) Be careful what you wish for – 12 years ago the financial problem was much different. Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- It’s Not the Deficit, Stupid! (Warren Mosler, The Huffington Post) GEI contributor unloads on deficit hawks.
- America’s Least Valuable CEOs (24/7 Wall Street)
- America’s Most Valuable CEOs (24/7 Wall Street)
- The Belief Genome: an open source technology startup (Jen Wilke, Hat tip Roger Erickson.
- Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking (UK Financial Stability Board) Under discussion: Minimum repo haircuts, tighter rules on rehypothecation and new capital/liquidity requirements for money market funds that maintain constant net present value.
- FA18 extended view of Space Shuttle Endeavour’s flyover Southern California (Forwarded by Gary)
- UK town centres have the highest proportion of empty shops ever (Reuters) Some UK areas have 15-20% vacancies.
- New VW for $600 (You Tube) Hat tip to Allan Turrits.
- Investment Falls Off a Cliff (Sudeep Reddy and Scott Thurm, The Wall Street Journal)