Written by Sig Silber
We have so much to cover tonight that I am afraid that my report might be a bit disorganized. We have a significant, if not record, hurricane off the coast of Florida in the Northern Bajamas and what looks like a transition to Fall getting started in the Northwest and North Central regions.
Please share this article – Go to the very top of the page, right-hand side for social media buttons. Also, feel free to send this article to anyone you feel will benefit from it. For those who are interested in the short-term situation, we refer you to our Severe Weather Report which is republished nightly and you can find the latest version by consulting the Directory by clicking here and then clicking on the latest version of the Severe Weather Report which will be near the top of the Directory.
Status of the Monsoon
Let’s go back to our discussion of the typical configurations of the Monsoon especially with regards to severe weather.
I perfer to use the graphics provided by Arizona but you can extrapolate the interpretation to beyond Arizona. I show the four maps and the discussion of each map can be found here.
I prepared a little table to provide some information on when the different types might occur during the Monsoon. The full information is in the referenced document.
Type | When to Expect |
I | Most Common |
II | As the Monsoon Matures |
III | Late |
IV | Very Late and May Signal the End |
Notice that during the Monsoon the location of the Four Corners High Migrates not always in a predictable way but there is a pattern to it and you can see that in the graphics above.
So which type of positioning is this?
Let’s look at the MId-Atmosphere pattern.
It looks somewhat like the first Fall Pacific Storm has pushed the Monsoon High out of range.
Performance of the Monsoon this Year.
I usually leave it to readers to go to this link and look at the graphics but last week I displayed the graphic. Readers who are interested can go to that link and view them but the changes are small week to week this late in the season as they are cumulative over the Monsoon Season.
I have data by city for Arizona in a nice format that auto-updates. I do not have it for New Mexico but you can get it from the link used to access the above graphics namely Here You can drill down and find the data by city in both Newmexico and Arizona but i have not yet found a graphic as convenient as the below for New Mexico. It may exist, but I have not found it yet.
September Outlook
For those who missed our full article on that which can be accessed here, this is a summary.
August 15, 2019 Forecast for September | August 31, 2019 Forecast for September | |
Temperature | ||
Precipitation |
Shifting Gears Let’s Take a Look at Tropical Activity
First looking at the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico:
Switching to the Eastern Pacific
And the Central Pacific.
Updates on individual named storms can be obtained here.
Recent CONUS Weather
Here is the recent history of the overall atmospheric pattern for North America and the North Pacific.
We usually look at ground level pressures but I did not have that last night (Part of NOAA observed Labor Day) so I improvised and will leave that in the aticle as it is interesting. So I took a look at the situation up by the Jet Stream.
30-day loop of analyzed 200-hPa heights and anomalies. An eleven-day mean, centered on the date indicated in the title, of 200-hPa heights and anomalies from the NCEP Climate Data Assimilation System (CDAS), is shown for the first 25 days of the animation. 10-, 9-, 8-, 7-, and 6-day running means are shown for the last 5 days, respectively. Contour interval for heights is 120 m, anomalies are indicated by shading. Anomalies are departures from the 1981-2010 daily base period means. |
There is probably a similar animaltion for the lower atmosphere but I could not find it in a way that I could display it but I have it and you can see it if you click here.
Here is another view from mid-atmosphere
And now looking at the recent weather.
Summary of the Forecast
We now provide our usual summary first for temperature and then for precipitation of small images of the four short-term maps. You can click on these maps to see larger versions. The easiest way to return to this report is by using the “Back Arrow” usually found at the top left corner of your screen to the left of the URL Box. Larger maps are available later in the article with the discussion and analysis.
Sometimes it is useful to see the evolution of the forecasts from the 1 – 5 Day, 6 – 10 Day (which NOAA considers to be Week-1 of their intermediate forecast) , 8 – 14 Day (which NOAA considers to be Week-2) and Week 3 and 4 (which after being issued overlap with Week-2). I do not have comparable maps for the Day 1 – 5 forecast in the same format as the three maps we generally work with. What I am showing for temperature is the Day 3 Maximum Temperature and for precipitation the five-day precipitation: the latter being fairly similar in format to the subsequent set of the maps I present each week but showing absolute QPF (inches of precipitation) not QPF deviation from Normal.
First Temperature
This shows magnitude rather than the probability of being higher or lower than Normal and shows the middle day of the five day period. | The pattern is fairly stagnant through Day 14. The transition from the 8 – 14 day forecast shown above to the week 3/4 forecast which was updated on August 30 seems feasible. |
And then Precipitation
A. Now we will begin with our regular approach and focus on Alaska and CONUS (all U.S.. except Hawaii).
Water Vapor.
This view of the past 24 hours provides a lot of insight as to what is happening.
You can see from this animation that there has not been that much activity.
Tonight, Monday, Septemner 2, 2019, as I am looking at the above graphic, you see some Monsoon activity and a storm approaching British Columbia which may ease over to the U.S. Northwest.
We now discuss Atmospheric Rivers i.e. thick concentrated movements of water moisture. More explanation on Atmospheric Rivers can be found by clicking here or if you want more theoretical information by clicking here. The idea is that we have now concluded that moisture often moves via narrow but deep channels in the atmosphere (especially when the source of the moisture is over water) rather than being very spread out. This raises the potential for extreme precipitation events. You can convert this graphic into a flexible forecasting tool by clicking here. One can obtain views of different geographical areas by clicking here.
This graphic does not cover all of CONUS but it does provide a very good view of what is happening in the Pacific and the North American West Coast.
And this graphic provides a better view of all of CONUS.
This graphic shows the Atlantic.
And Now the Day One and Two CONUS Forecasts (These graphics have recently been revised by NOAA and I think greatly improved).
Day One CONUS Forecast | Day Two CONUS Forecast |
These graphics update and can be clicked on to enlarge but my brief comments are only applicable to what I see on Monday night prior to publishing. | |
You can easily see the convective activity. |
Additional useful forecasts are available from our Severe Weather Report which this week can always be located via this directory.
60 Hour Forecast Animation
Here is a national animation of weather fronts and precipitation forecasts with four 6-hour projections of the conditions that will apply covering the next 24 hours and a second day of two 12-hour projections the second of which is the forecast for 48 hours out and to the extent it applies for 12 hours, this animation is intended to provide coverage out to 60 hours. Beyond 60 hours, additional maps are available at links provided below. The explanation for the coding used in these maps, i.e. the full legend, can be found here although it includes some symbols that are no longer shown in the graphic because they are implemented by color coding.
The below makes it easier to focus on a particular day. The best way to read them is from left to right on the first row and then from left to right in the row below it.
include(“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/Weather_Map_by_Day_Matrix.htm”); ?>
What is Behind the Forecasts? Let us try to understand what NOAA is looking at when they issue these forecasts.
Below is a graphic which highlights the forecast surface Highs and the Lows re air pressure on Day 7. The Day 3 forecast can be found here. The Day 6 Forecast can be found here.
This may be the seasonal debut of the Aleutian Low but at any rate, there is a Low near Alaska with surface central pressue of 1000 hPa. There is a Greenland High with surface central pressure of 1016 hPa. The dominant feature on this map is a Great Lakes high with surface central pressure of 1028 hPa. The Hawaiian High has surface central pressure of 1028 hPa. And again there is an inverted Trough in the Sea of Cortez extending into the Southwest like what we often see during the Monsoon. We even see what looks like the Four Corners High which is the signature of the North American Monsoon (NAM) and at the surface the air pressure is 1016 hPa. The mid-level high seen on a different graphic is hard to find.
include(“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/Air_Pressure_Map_by_Day_Matrix.htm”); ?>
Looking at the current activity of the Jet Stream. The below graphics and the above graphics are very related.
Not all weather is controlled by the Jet Stream (which is a high altitude phenomenon) but it does play a major role in steering storm systems especially in the winter The sub-Jet Stream level intensity winds shown by the vectors in this graphic are also very important in understanding the impacts north and south of the Jet Stream which is the higher-speed part of the wind circulation and is shown in gray on this map. In some cases however a Low-Pressure System becomes separated or “cut off” from the Jet Stream. In that case, it’s movements may be more difficult to predict until that disturbance is again recaptured by the Jet Stream. This usually is more significant for the lower half of CONUS with the cutoff lows being further south than the Jet Stream. Some basic information on how to interpret the impact of jet streams on weather can be found here and here. I have not provided the ability to click to get larger images as I believe the smaller images shown are easy to read.
Current | Day 5 |
You can see the current pattern here. The pattern is fairly far north. | The pattern is forecast to shift east and will be predominately zonal. |
Putting the Jet Stream into Motion and Looking Forward a Few Days Also
To see how the pattern is projected to evolve, please click here. In addition to the shaded areas which show an interpretation of the Jet Stream, one can also see the wind vectors (arrows) at the 300 Mb level.
This longer animation shows how the jet stream is crossing the Pacific and when it reaches the U.S. West Coast is going every which way.
Click here to gain access to a very flexible computer graphic. You can adjust what is being displayed by clicking on “earth” adjusting the parameters and then clicking again on “earth” to remove the menu. Right now it is set up to show the 500 hPa wind patterns which is the main way of looking at synoptic weather patterns. This amazing graphic covers North and South America. It could be included in the Worldwide weather forecast section of this report but it is useful here re-understanding the wind circulation patterns.
500 MB Mid-Atmosphere View
The map below is the mid-atmosphere 7-Day chart rather than the surface highs and lows and weather features. In some cases, it provides a clearer less confusing picture as it shows only the major pressure gradients. This graphic auto-updates so when you look at it you will see NOAA’s latest thinking. The speed at which these troughs and ridges travel across the nation will determine the timing of weather impacts. This graphic auto-updates I think every six hours and it changes a lot.
include (“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/500_Millibar_by_Day_Matrix.htm”); ?>
Here is the seven-day cumulative precipitation forecast. More information on how to interpret this graphic is available here.
Four – Week Outlook: Looking Beyond Days 1 to 5, What is the Forecast for the Following Three + Weeks?
I use “EC” in my discussions although NOAA sometimes uses “EC” (Equal Chances) and sometimes uses “N” (Normal) to pretty much indicate the same thing although “N” may be more definitive.
First – Temperature
6 – 10 Day Temperature Outlook issued today (Note the NOAA Level of Confidence in the Forecast Released on Septermber 2, 2019 was 4 out of 5
8 – 14 Day Temperature Outlook issued today (Note the NOAA Level of Confidence in the Forecast Released on September 2, 2019 was 3 out of 5).
Probably most do not get that far in my article where I usually have this graphic (I have data on the average time on the page of readers) but this graphic is interesting so I am showing it earlier than usual. Remember this is an experimental model not the official 6 – 10 day and 8 – 14 day forecast. But it puts the CONUS and Alaska forecasts into context.
Now – Precipitation
6 – 10 Day Precipitation Outlook Issued Today (Note the NOAA Level of Confidence in the Forecast Released on September 2, 2019 was 4 out of 5)
8 – 14 Day Precipitation Outlook Issued Today (Note the NOAA Level of Confidence in the Forecast Released on September 2, 2019 was 3 out of 5)
Probably most do not get that far in my article where I usually have this graphic (I have data on the average time on the page of readers) but this graphic is interesting so I am showing it earlier than usual. Remember this is an experimental model not the official 6 – 10 day and 8 – 14 day precipitation forecast. But it puts the CONUS and Alaska forecasts into context.
Then Precipitation
Looking further out.
Here is the 6 – 14 Day NOAA discussion released today September 2, 2019
6-10 DAY OUTLOOK FOR SEP 08 – 12 2019
Today’s GFS, ECMWF, and Canadian ensemble means are in good agreement with predictions of the 500-hPa flow pattern throughout most of the forecast domain during the 6-10 day period. A trough is predicted over the Bering Sea and Aleutians. A ridge is predicted downstream over much of mainland Alaska and northwest Canada. One trough is forecast over the western CONUS and another one is forecast to be centered near Nova Scotia. A weak ridge is predicted over the central and southeastern CONUS. The resultant manual blend features positive 500-hPA height anomalies for much of Alaska, and the central and eastern CONUS, and negative 500-hPa height anomalies over the West and the Northeast.
Below normal temperatures are favored for the western CONUS and the Northeast as the results of troughing forecast over the regions. Increased above normal temperature probabilities are forecast for Alaska, the Southern Rockies, the Central and Southern Plains, the Middle and Lower Mississippi Valley, and the southeastern CONUS, consistent with the forecast positive 500-hPa anomalies.
There are elevated odds of above normal precipitation over central and western Alaska, and Alaska Panhandle ahead of a large mid-level trough. Below normal precipitation is favored for parts of northeastern mainland Alaska due to a forecast ridge over the area. Above and near normal precipitation is favored for the western and north-central CONUS due to the predicted trough and frontal activity downstream. Below normal precipitation is favored across parts of the Southern Plains eastward to the Lower and Middle Mississippi Valley, and the eastern CONUS related to above normal heights there.
FORECAST CONFIDENCE FOR THE 6-10 DAY PERIOD: Above average, 4 out of 5, due to good agreement between models on the predicted 500-hPa height pattern, and among the temperature and precipitation forecast tools.
8-14 DAY OUTLOOK FOR SEP 10 – 16 2019
The predicted 500-hPa circulation pattern for Week-2 is expected to be fairly similar to the pattern predicted for the 6-10 day period, though with a slight weakening of the trough over the Western CONUS.
Due to predicted above normal heights, probabilities of near to above normal temperatures are increased for Alaska. Chances of near to above normal temperatures are also enhanced over much of the CONUS except for the Northern Rockies where below normal temperatures, consistent with all the forecast tools.
The Week-2 precipitation pattern is similar to the 6-10 day precipitation pattern.
FORECAST CONFIDENCE FOR THE 8-14 DAY PERIOD: Average, 3 out of 5, due to generally good agreement between models on the predicted 500-hPa height pattern, but offset somewhat by differences among the temperature and precipitation forecast tools.
The next set of long-lead monthly and seasonal outlooks will be released on September 19.
Analogs to the NOAA 6 – 14 Day Outlook.
NOAA normally provides two sets of Analogs.
A. Analogs related to the 5 day period centered on 3 days ago and the 7 day period centered on 4 days ago. “Analog” means that the weather pattern then resembles the recent weather pattern and the recent pattern is used to initialize the models to predict the 6 – 14 day Outlook.
B. There is a second set of analogs associated with the Outlook. It compares the forecast (rather than the prior period) to past weather patterns. I have not been regularly analyzing this second set of information. The first set applies to the 5 and 7 day observed pattern prior to today. The second set relates to the correlation of the forecasted outlook 6 – 10 days out and 8 – 14 days out with similar patterns that have occurred in the past during a longer period that includes the dates covered by the 6 – 10 Day and 8 – 14 Day Outlook. The second set of analogs also has useful information as it indicates that the forecast is feasible in the sense that something like it has happened before. I am not very impressed with that approach. But in some ways both Approach A and B are somewhat similar. I conclude that if the Ocean Condition now is different then the analogs and if the state of ENSO now is different than the analogs that is a reason to have increased lack of confidence in the forecasts and vice versa.
They put the first set of analogs in the discussion with the second set available by a link so I am assuming that the first set of analogs is the most meaningful and I find it so. But NOAA prefers the first set (A) as it helps them (or at least they think it does) assess the quality of the forecast.
Here are today’s analogs in chronological order although this information is also available with the analog dates listed by the level of correlation. I find the chronological order easier for me to work with. It also helps the reader see the impact of the phases of the PDO and AMO which are shown. The first set (A) which is what I am using today applies to the 5 and 7-day observed pattern prior to today.
ENSO Phase | PDO* | AMO* | ||
Sep 8, 1955 | La Nina | – | + | |
Sep 9, 1955 | La Nina | – | + | |
Sep 11, 1960 | Neutral | – | +- | |
Aug 27, 1974 | La Nina | – | – | |
Aug 28, 1974 | La Nina | – | – | |
Aug 18, 1977 | El Nino | – | – | Start of |
Sep 3, 1993 | Neutral | + | – | |
Sep 4, 1993 | Neutral | + | – | |
Sep 9, 2007 | La Nina | – | + | |
Sep 12, 2007 | La Nina | – | + |
* I assign values that are consistent with the trend so I am doing some subjective smoothing with respect to the Phases of the AMO and PDO shown in this table. (t) = a month where the Ocean Cycle Index has just changed from a consistent pattern or does change the following month to a consistent pattern.
The spread among the analogs from August 18 to September 12 is 25 days which is much tighter that last week and suggests the ability to have a bit more confidence in the forecast. I have not calculated the centroid of this distribution which would be the better way to look at things but the midpoint, which is a lot easier to calculate, and fairly accurate if the dates are reasonably evenly distributed, is about August 30, 2019. These analogs are describing historical weather that was centered on 3 days and 4 days ago (August 29 or August 30. So the analogs could be considered to be in sync with respect to weather that we would normally be getting right now.
For more information on Analogs see discussion in the GEI Weather Page Glossary. For sure it is a rough measure as there are so many historical patterns but not enough to be a perfect match with current conditions. I use it mainly to see how our current conditions match against somewhat similar patterns and the ocean phases that prevailed during those prior patterns. If everything lines up I have my own measure of confidence in the NOAA forecast. Similar initial conditions should lead to similar weather. I am a mathematician so that is how I think about models.
Including duplicates, there are three Neutral analogs, one El Nino Analog, and six La Nina Analogs. This suggests that we are in ENSO Neutral/La Nina now. The pre-forecast analogs this week are adverse to McCabe C which is “Northern Tier and Mid-Atlantic Drought”. Since the NOAA forecast is also adverse to McCabe C that adds credibility in my mind to the NOAA forecast.
The seminal work on the impact of the PDO and AMO on U.S. climate can be found here. Water Planners might usefully pay attention to the low-frequency cycles such as the AMO and the PDO as the media tends to focus on the current and short-term forecasts to the exclusion of what we can reasonably anticipate over multi-decadal periods of time. One of the major reasons that I write this weather and climate column is to encourage a more long-term and World view of weather.
In color | Black and White same graphics |
McCabe Condition | Main Characteristics |
A | Very Little Drought. Southern Tier and Northern Tier from Dakotas East Wet. Some drought on East Coast. |
B | More wet than dry but Great Plains and Northeast are dry. |
C | Northern Tier and Mid-Atlantic Drought |
D | Southwest Drought extending to the North and also the Great Lakes. This is the most drought-prone combination of Ocean Phases. |
You may have to squint but the drought probabilities are shown on the map and also indicated by the color coding with shades of red indicating higher than 25% of the years are drought years (25% or less of average precipitation for that area) and shades of blue indicating less than 25% of the years are drought years. Thus drought is defined as the condition that occurs 25% of the time and this ties in nicely with each of the four pairs of two phases of the AMO and PDO.
Historical Anomaly Analysis
When I see the same dates showing up often I find it interesting to consult this list.
A Useful Read
Some might find this analysis which you need to click to read interesting as the organization which prepares it focuses on the Pacific Ocean and looks at things from a very detailed perspective and their analysis provides a lot of information on the history and evolution of ENSO events.
Some Indices of Possible Interest: We should always remember that the forecast is driven by many factors some of which are conflicting in terms of their impacts. Please pay more attention to the graphics than my commentary which does not update on a regular basis once the article is published. The indices will continue to update. I provide these indices as they are important guidelines to the weather. It is in a way looking at the factors that are impacting the weather. There were developed because weather forecasters found them to be useful.
Here is another way of integrating all forecasts into a single graphic. These forecasts extend out further into the future than the forecasts presented earlier. But they do not show the recent history. Also, the set of four does not include the AO but instead the WPO so it is not the same but may be useful.
The MJO is an area of convective activity along the Equator which circles the globe generally in 30 to 60 days. The location of the convective activity not only impacts the Equator but also the middle latitudes. Most people are not familiar with the MJO but at certain times it plays an important role Worldwide re weather and for CONUS.
This is the Summary from the weekly NOAA analysis of the MJO.
It is sometimes useful to look at the recent history of the MJO.
The MJO Index (more information can be found here) indicates where the MJO has been and this Hovmoeller Graphic shows this. The Index is shown for the parts of the Equator where the MJO is most usually found.
Forecast Models.
There are a lot of models and I try to read the results from all of them. For access to a variety of models, I refer readers here. This weekly report summarizes things. Here is another useful source of information.
Now the first of the three graphics we typically present which shows where the MJO is now and how it got there.
This shows the recent history. MJO is now in Phase 5 and inside the circle of minimum impacts. What next?
And then a forecast. On this GFS graphic, the light gray shading shows the tracks which fit with 90% of the forecasts and the dark gray shading shows a smaller area that fits with 50% of the forecasts The large dot is the current location.
And then the ECMF forecast.
Then side by side.
The new NOAA combination graphics were too difficult for me so I am not showing the original graphics which do not have NOAA commentary but auto-update.
And we also look at the low-level wind anomalies.
Below is a Hovmoeller version which shows more than two time periods as above but a longer history. Along the bottom which is the current week, you can see the westerlies. The key takeaways are
A. There may have been another WWB but no sign so far of another Kelvin Wave.
B The MJO has not been active.
Remember that the MJO is one of many influences on the weather.
B. Beyond Alaska and CONUS Let’s Look at the World which of course also includes Alaska and CONUS
It is Useful to Understand the Semipermanent Patterns that Control our Weather and Consider how These Change from Winter to Summer. These two graphics (click on each one to enlarge) are from a much larger set available from the Weather Channel. They highlight the position of the Bermuda High which they are calling the Azores High in the January graphic and is often called NASH and it has a very big impact on CONUS Southeast weather and also the Southwest. You also see the north/south migration of the Pacific High which also has many names and which is extremely important for CONUS weather and it also shows the change of location of the ITCZ which I think is key to understanding the Indian Monsoon. A lot of things become much clearer when you understand these semi-permanent features some of which have cycles within the year, longer period cycles and may be impacted by Global Warming. We are now moving into Mid-September. We should now be starting to leave the Summer Pattern. For CONUS, the seasonal repositioning of the Bermuda High and the Pacific High are very significant.
World Forecasts
1. Today (Source: University of Maine)
2. Short-term set for day six but can be adjusted (BOM – Australia)
3. 8 – 14 Day (NOAA/Canada/Mexico Experimental NAEFS))
4 Tropical Activity
1. Forecast for Today (you can click on the maps to enlarge them)
And now precipitation
Additional Maps showing different weather variables can be found here.
2. Forecast for Day 6 (Currently Set for Day 6 but the reader can change that)
World Weather Forecast produced by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Unfortunately, I do not know how to extract the control panel and embed it into my report so that you could use the tool within my report. But if you visit it Click Here and you will be able to use the tool to view temperature or many other things for THE WORLD. It can forecast out for a week. Pretty cool. Return to this report by using the “Back Arrow” usually found top left corner of your screen to the left of the URL Box. It may require hitting it a few times depending on how deep you are into the BOM tool. Below are the current worldwide precipitation and temperature forecasts for six days out. They will auto-update and be current for Day 6 whenever you view them. If you want the forecast for a different day Click Here
Again, please remember this graphic updates every six hours so the diurnal pattern can confuse the reader.
Now Precipitation
3. And now we have experimental 8 – 14 Day World forecasts from the NAEFS Model.
We showed these graphics earlier so I am not repeating them.
4. Tropical Hazards.
C. ENSO SUMMARY of Current Status.
This section is organized into three parts.
1. Current Sea Surface Temperatures (SST)
2. Current Nino 3.4 Readings
3. The Surface Air Pressure Pattern that confirms the state of ENSO.
1. Current and Recent Sea Surface Temperatures (SST)
A major driver of weather is Surface Ocean Temperatures. Evaporation only occurs from the Surface of Water. So we are very interested in the temperatures of water especially when these temperatures deviate from seasonal norms thus creating an anomaly. The geographical distribution of the anomalies is very important. To a substantial extent, the temperature anomalies along the Equator have a disproportionate impact on the weather so we study them intensely and that is what the ENSO (El Nino – Southern Oscillation) cycle is all about. Subsurface water can be thought of as the future surface temperatures. They may have only indirect impacts on current weather but they have major impacts on future weather by changing the temperature of the water surface. Winds and Convection (evaporation forming clouds) is weather and is a result of the Phases of ENSO and also a feedback loop that perpetuates the current Phase of ENSO or changes it. That is why we monitor winds and convection along or near the Equator especially the Equator in the Eastern Pacific.
My focus here is sea surface temperature anomalies as they are one of the two largest factors determining weather around the World. If we want to have a good feel for future weather, we need to look at the oceans as our weather mostly comes from oceans and we need to look at surface temperature anomalies (weather develops from the ocean surface
It is the ocean surface that interacts with the atmosphere and causes convection and also the warming and cooling of the atmosphere. So we are interested in the actual ocean surface temperatures and the departure from seasonal normal temperatures which is called “departures” or “anomalies”. Since warm water facilitates evaporation which results in cloud convection, the pattern of SST anomalies suggests how the weather pattern east of the anomalies will be different than normal.
Current Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Departures from Normal for this Time of the Year i.e. Anomalies
First the categorization of the current Monthly Average SST anomalies. | ||||
The Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea | Western Pacific | West of North America | North and East of North America | North Atlantic |
The Mediterranean, Black Sea and Capian Sea are warm . | Slightly warm around Japan | Waters in Bristol Bay and the Chukchi Sea are warm and the Arctic Ocean is extremely warm. Gulf of Alaska warm Very warm offshore of British Columbia amd all of the West Coast. | Hudson Bay slightly warm Davis Strait very warm Waters offshore of East Coast are warm north of 40N and neutral farther south | North Atlantic a bit warm. |
Equator | Central Pacific slightly warm. Eastern Pacific cool. | |||
Africa | West of Australia | North, South, and East of Australia | West of South America | East of South America |
Cool off West Africa. Warm beyond Madagascar Cool off of west Africa south of Gulf of Guinea. | cool | Cool to the south Cool to the northwest | Cool 20S to 40S | Mixed 20S to 40S |
Then we look at the change in the anomalies. The SST anomaly is sort of like the first derivative and the change in the anomaly is somewhat like a second derivative. It tells us if the anomaly is becoming more or less intense.
I am only showing the currently issued version of the NINO SST Index Table as the prior values are shown in the small graphics on the right with this graphic. The same data in graphic form but going back a couple of more years can be found here. The full table of values can be found here. NOAA considers Nino 3.4 shown in the graphic as the best indicator of Equatorial Surface Temperature Anomalies associated with different phases of ENSO. There is a duration requirement to be a recorded El Nino or La Nina but to have El Nino Conditions the Nino 3.4 index needs to be +0.5C or warmer and to have La Nina Conditions the Nino 3.4 Index needs to be -0.5C or cooler.
Since NOAA did not publish Monday we relied on the automated system.
We have the prettied up version now but I am leaving in the automated version for now as it updates. You can see how NOAA adds value to the automated version with their comments and additional information.
ENSO Considerations
This graphic brings the Nino 3.4 up to date and is easy to read.
Here is a daily version
Starting with Surface Conditions.
TAO/TRITON GRAPHIC (a good way of viewing data related to the part of the Equator and the waters close to the Equator in the Eastern Pacific where we monitor to determining the current phase of ENSO. It is probably not necessary to follow the discussion below, but here is a link to TAO/TRITON terminology.
And here is the current version of the TAO/TRITON Graphic. The top part shows the actual temperatures, the bottom part shows the anomalies i.e. the deviation from normal.
———————————————— | A | B | C | D | E | —————– |
Since parts of NOAA did not publish today we will relay on the autmated system until we get the prettied up versions
This may help put the above graphics in focus.
The following graphic is somewhat similar to the graphic above but it updates every five days not once per week. The date shown is the midpoint for the five-day average. It shows a lot more detail than the above graphic. You can see some water at depth that is anomalously warm. But the depth of the warm anomaly is becoming less and there is cool water below it. This pattern might persist for a while.
3. The Surface Air Pressure that Confirms the Nino 3.4 Index
And of course, Queensland Australia is the official keeper of the SOI measurements.
SOI = 10 X [ Pdiff – Pdiffav ]/ SD(Pdiff) where Pdiff = (average Tahiti MSLP for the month) – (average Darwin MSLP for the month), Pdiffav = long term average of Pdiff for the month in question, and SD(Pdiff) = long term standard deviation of Pdiff for the month in question. So really it is comparing the extent to which Tahiti is more cloudy than Darwin, Australia. During El Nino we expect Darwin Australia to have lower air pressure and more convection than Tahiti (Negative SOI especially lower than -7 correlates with El Nino Conditions). During La Nina we expect the Warm Pool to be further east resulting in Positive SOI values greater than +7).
D. Putting it all Together.
Weak El Nino Modoki Conditions have peaked and are now transforming to ENSO Neutral. We may still have a marginal Modoki but relative to a traditional El Nino, it is ENSO Neutral.
E. Relevant Recent Articles and Reports
Weather in the News
Nothing to report
Weather Research in the News
Nothing to Report
Global Warming in the News
Nothing to report
Useful Reference Information
Understand How the Jet Stream Impacts Weather
include(“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/Jet_Streak_Four_Quadrant_Analysis.htm”); ?>
include(“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/MJO_and_ENSO_Interaction_Matrix.htm”); ?>
Standard Pressure Levels
include(“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/Standard_Pressure_surfaces.htm”); ?> include(“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/Table_of_Contents_for_Part_II.htm”); ?> include (“/home4/aleta/public_html/pages/weather/modules/AO_NAO_PNA_MJO_Background_Information.htm”); ?>