by Reverse Engineer, Doomstead Diner
Permaculture and Food Distribution during the Coronavirus Catastrophe
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In this week’s Collapse Cafe, I got together again with Irv Mills to dicuss another favorite topic among Kollapsniks, FOOD! This topic becomes especially important during the Coronavirus Pandemic since it gave the general population a taste of what the disruption of JIT shipping can do their food supply, which many people grow up believing grows on the grocery store shelves each night after closing. lol.
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Irv is the Coordinator of his local Community Garden in Kincardine, Ontario and grew up on a rural family owned farm a bit inland from where he lives now on the shores of the Great Lake they call Huron.
The conversation ranges from the Garden and the Coronavirus Pandemic to Food Distribution, Commercial Monoculture Agriculture & Permaculture farming, where Irv has a few differences with a segment of the Permaculture community.
Hope you enjoy this discussion, since there is much more on the Food topic to come from Irv & me. He’s as obsessed with this topic as I am, and when we start talking about it, we just don’t stop. lol.
In case you missed Irv last week, he was here: Ontario Hydroelectric And Nuclear Power.