by Surly1, Doomstead Diner
Originally published on the Doomstead Diner on 09 April 2017
“We see these beautiful pictures at night from the decks of these two U.S. Navy vessels in the eastern Mediterranean. I am tempted to quote the great Leonard Cohen: ‘I am guided by the beauty of our weapons.’”
—- Brian Williams, MSNBC anchor
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It’s been a week in which we took several steps toward our own Appointment in Samarra. We are expected to believe that the nation’s Chief Executive, who heretofore has demonstrated absolutely no empathy for anyone, reversed his own stated foreign policy based on news pictures of children, ostensibly suffering from a Syrian government gas attack. Just the week before, said executive’s Secretary of State had affirmed a new policy in which the US would be content to let the destiny of Bashar Al-Assad be settled by the Syrian people.
Click for larger image of Tomahawk missile launch.
And who exactly are we fighting in Syria? Is it ISIS? Al Qaeda? Jabhat al Nusra? But Assad purchased oil from ISIS, yes? How did that work? And now we’re bombing Assad? All of the Jihadis in opposition to Assad are Sunni, whereas Assad’s regime belongs to the Alawite sect of Islam, related somehow to the Shia branch of Islam. One needs a scorecard…
As difficult as this might be to sort out, when the newest atrocity pictures appeared on FOX News, they hit our non-reading president right in the feels. And like Xanadu, a military action was decreed. Meanwhile, Trump’s legions of right-wing zealots were discomfited that he had bombed Syria and thus had gone “full neocon.” Great was the hue and cry therefrom.
Meanwhile, in the West Wing, Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon wrestled for primacy. If you’re not the president’s son-in-law, I don’t like your chances. Mitch McConnell got clean away with the heist of a Supreme Court seat, and, oh yes, in spite of the Trump administration’s decision to ban the phrase “climate change”, the Arctic north is melting and we are awash in icebergs. Can global sea level rise be far behind?
The Rockets’ Red Glare
We are told the short-fingered vulgarian “became president” by sending a volley of Tomahawk missiles, costing $1-1.5 million the each, to light up a Syrian airstrip, the assets of which had been moved by previously-alerted Russians and Syrians who, unlike Congress, had received prior notice. The air show on a virtually deserted airstrip avoided most of the runways, such that Syrian planes are reported to be flying missions as I write. Thus the US spent about $93,810,000, blowing up very little in order to show them that “we mean business.”
The Palmer Report estimates that Donald Trump’s ineffective Syria attack could have fully funded Meals on Wheels through 2029.
The MSM, hot on the trail of #trumpRussia connections, were captivated. On MSNBC, which we are constantly reminded is the “left” news network, fake news parolee Brian Williams waxed rhapsodic about the beauty of the rocket launches, if not the tumescence of the manhood which unleashed them. CNN‘s Fareed Zakaria proudly asserted Trump’s missile strike in Syria shows him emerging from the chrysalis and displaying the same bloodthirsty qualities as America’s past leaders. Friday morning on CNN’s “New Day,” I stood openmouthed in astonishment as Zakaria said
“I think Donald Trump became president of the United States last night. I think this was actually a big moment.”
Making this Zakaria’s Van Jones moment, and exposing him as another to-be-ignored careerist. Neocon Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham swooned, and were observed to have rare swellings in their crotches at the audacity of dope. If these last for more than four hours, they should call a doctor. Or a Capitol Hill reporter.
Leading papers published opinions like “Trump’s Chance to Step Into the Global Leadership Vacuum,” “Trump Has an Opportunity to Right Obama’s Wrongs in Syria,” “Syrian Opposition Leader: Trump Has a Chance to Save Syria” and “Syria Missile Strike Could Lead to Political Solution” – but no pieces opposing an unauthorized military attack against a sovereign nation. Dan Rather had a few choice words.
“War must never be considered a public relations operation. It is not a way for an Administration to gain a narrative. It is a step into a dangerous unknown and its full impact is impossible to predict, especially in the immediate wake of the first strike.”
On other news, Raytheon, the company that makes the Tomahawk missiles used in the air strikes, was rising in early stock trading Friday. In related news, Lockheed Martin, helps Raytheon make the Javelin missile launcher system, gained nearly 1%. We may be headed for the End Times, but we’re creating some beautiful opportunities for profit in arms.
Pepe nonplussed
Trump’s troll army was not pleased, and the alt-right crowd broke with the president over his perfidy. The web-savvy, anti-establishment “alt-right” neo-nazis at the passionate core of Trump’s online support last year, have become apoplectic over the strikes. This “America First” wing, which includes Milo Yiannopolis, Mike Cernovich, Ann Coulter, and the famously punched-in-the-face Richard Spencer, (he of the memes), as well as those basement dwellers on The_Donald subreddit and the /pol/ section of 4Chan, warn of a slippery slope to intervention in Syria.
As recently as last week, they believed Trump would keep the country out of unnecessary wars. Last Thursday on a trip to Turkey, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, the “longer-term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people.” And then came the news pictures of Syrian children being gassed. Whereupon, we are told, the president decided to “follow his heart.”
Leaving aside for a moment the notion of how a Republican Congress or the American public would react did if a female president had decided to “follow her heart,” and launch 59 Tomahawk missiles, we are left to marvel at 180° whipsaw-like change in the direction of American foreign policy.
Meanwhile, about those pictures, and who was responsible for them. Many on the fascist fringe scream that Trump has been duped into a war a “false flag” operation. “The Syrian gas attack was done by deep state agents,” tweeted alt right agitator and Pizzagate auteur Mike Cernovich. And other marginal voices, including Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, as well as Ron Paul, Scott Adams and Michael Savage, have upped the ante, blamed the attack on George Soros, and condemned Trump for surrendering to “Republican hawks.”
Plus, Julian Assange, believed to have sole control of the WikiLeaks Twitter account, shared a video from a Syrian activist in Germany on Thursday that said Islamist extremists were probably behind the chemical attack, not the Syrian government. Even left-wing observers have opined that the chemical strikes may have originated with Syrian rebels. Assessing the truth is to walk in a hall of mirrors.
Speaking of a hall of mirrors, Tina Nguyen of Vanity Fair does exemplary reporting on all things Trump, and made the following salient observation:
The missile strike came only hours after Bannon, the de facto representative of the alt-right in the White House, had been removed from the National Security Council Principals Committee, cutting off his access to military decision-making. His supporters quickly, and not without logic, blamed the Syria situation on the same people they believed were responsible for Bannon’s ouster and diminishing stature in the West Wing: Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and the leader of what a White House source described to Politico as the “West Wing Democrats.”
Few things gladden my heart more than a right wing circular firing squad, as headlines broke on Friday that Bannon had called Kushner “a cuck” and a “globalist“. What the Bannon-Kushner tussle portends for the future, and for Trump’s relationship with the reclusive Mercer family (which bankrolled his electoral victory) is anyone’s guess.
It Stays Stole
Mitch McConnell and wife in a rare tender moment.
In 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said (first quote) and in 2017 he said (second quote):
“One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, ‘You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy.'”
“Apparently there’s yet a new standard now, which is not to confirm a Supreme Court nominee at all. I think that’s something the American people simply will not tolerate.”
This week, McConnell invoked a parliamentary maneuver to end the filibuster opposing the nominee, Neil Gorsuch, for the stolen Supreme Court seat, thus clearing the way for Gorsuch to occupy said stolen seat. This legislative coup will ratify the primacy of the corporate state for the next 30 years.
In a related story, hypocrisy stocks were up 12% this week.
Global melting
And in climate change news, which we no longer count anymore because of Trump, we learn that Greenland’s coastal ice has passed a critical “tipping point“, according to a new study. Which doesn’t bode well for the rest of the island’s ice.
The Greenland ice sheet, which covers about 80 percent of the island’s surface, is the second-largest ice body in the world after the Antarctic ice sheet. The same processes that have caused the accelerated melting of Greenland’s coastal ice bodies could also influence the island’s massive ice sheet – with devastating results, lead study author Bryce Noël said.
“For now, the ice sheet is still safe,” he said. “Its tipping point hasn’t been crossed yet. But if warming continues, it’s very likely that it will be crossed.”
If the entire Greenland ice sheet were to melt, it would cause a global sea level rise of more than 20 feet.
In a related story, The Guardian tells of a swarm of more than 400 icebergs that have drifted into the North Atlantic shipping lanes over the past week, unusually large a number for so early in the season.
Most icebergs entering the North Atlantic have “calved” off the Greenland ice sheet. Michael Mann, director of the earth system science center at Pennsylvania State University, said it was possible climate change was leading to more icebergs in the shipping lanes, but wind patterns were also important.
US Coast Guard Commander Gabrielle McGrath, who leads the ice patrol, said she had never seen such a drastic increase in such a short time. Adding to the danger, three icebergs were discovered outside the boundaries of the area the Coast Guard had advised mariners to avoid, she said.
Another week in which we incrementally slip towards the doom which awaits us for our fecklessness and irresponsibility for failing to summon the will to be good stewards of what we have inherited.