Written by Frank Li
Two recent events (Killing of George Floyd and COVID-19 pandemic in the United States) compel us to fundamentally examine American history.
In this post, I will highlight the history of Black America with six excellent videos, followed by a brief discussion.
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1. Video #1: The Truth about the Confederacy in the U.S.
2. Video #2: Enslavement to Emancipation
3. Video #3: Jim Crow and America’s Racism Explained
4. Video #4: The Most Intense Heartfelt Description of Racism
5. Video #5: 50 years of racism – why silence isn’t the answer
6. Video #6: 13TH
7. Discussion
Below is an excerpt from Racism in America.
Racial harmony has been one of the biggest challenges for mankind (History 2.0: Human Races), with religion being another (God and America).
America has never really fundamentally addressed any of these big challenges. Instead, America has avoided them via “virtual” segregation! Two examples:
- Churches are the most racially segregated organizations in America.
- “Zip code is everything”, from education to lifespan. For more, read: Zip Code Effect: Your Neighborhood Determines Your Lifespan by as Much as 30 Years.
As America becomes more crowded and as the world becomes more globalized, these challenges are no longer avoidable. As a result, America is proving not only “normal” (vs. “exceptional”), but also totally inadequate in dealing with them!
The image below highlights a strong case in point.
Below is another excerpt from the same article above.
The indigenous people may no longer have a strong voice, because they have been almost wiped out. But the blacks do, as they count for about 15% of the population! They must be treated fairly according to their standards, or the country is not governable!
The image below offers yet another strong case in point.
The image below offers still another strong case in point.
It is for these cases, chiefly, that I wanted to study the history of Black America, and write about it, starting with this one …
8. Closing
“Black History in America” is a huge subject. I have chipped in my two cents. What about you?
Now, please sit back and enjoy the short bonus video below.
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