Written by Frank Li
In my last post, I answered the basic question of Why Do They Hate Us? In this post, I will carry it further by addressing an imminent danger in America: a religious war between Christianity and Islam.
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First off, three basic questions and answers:
- Is there already a religious war between the West and Islam in the Mideast? Yes, at least in “their” view.
- Will that war be spilled over to America? Yes, it already has, with the question for the next terror attack being when, but not if.
- Is there a religious war between Christianity and Islam in America? No, not yet! But everything must be done to prevent it from happening!
1. The world in chaos
In addition to the latest terror attack in London (London attack: What we know so far), below are three recent news stories:
- 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.
- Egypt fights back after 28 Coptic Christians killed in bus attack.
- Kabul blast: Attack kills 90 near diplomatic area in Afghanistan.
What has perhaps escaped many Americans is this domestic news story: Portland train suspect: ‘I hope everyone I stabbed died’. Below is an excerpt from this story.
When [Jeremy Joseph] Christian, 35, boarded a MAX light rail train on Friday at 4:19 p.m. at the Rose Quarter stop, he went on a tirade directed at two African-American teenagers on board — one who was wearing a traditional Muslim hijab, according to witnesses and the affidavit.
“Pay taxes!”
“Get the f*** out!”
“Go home. We need Americans here!” Christian screamed, according to the affidavit.
President Trump did speak out against it (Trump: Oregon Stabbing Victims Stood Up Against “Hate and Intolerance’), without calling it a “terror act” though. Why not?
2. Radical Islam vs. radical Christianity?
President Obama correctly resisted using the phrase “radical Islam”, while President Trump has been using it consistently, without using the phrase “radical Christianity” though. The video below highlights the contradiction.
Bottom line: We must not negatively label a religion, Islam or otherwise, because that is exactly what some fanatics, who commit crimes under the name of a religion, want!
3. America vs. the world
Simply put, human legacy is a history of wars between different races and/or religions.
America is a microcosm of the world, in which multiple races and religions co-exist, so far.
The good news is that America has its own government, unlike the world which only has the U.N. at best in governing.
The bad news is that American government is not good at governing, especially with regard to religion, on top of race.
Let’s talk about these two big issues (i.e. race and religion), respectively.
3.1 Race in America
Our Founding Fathers deferred the issue of slavery, which is the worst form of racial discrimination (second only to genocide), to the later generations, resulting in the American Civil War, which killed more American soldiers than all of the other wars combined (until 2014).
Yet, more than 150 years after the Civil War, racism is still alive and well in America. Watch the video below.
3.2 Religion in America
Our Founding Fathers clearly settled this issue (God and America (Version 3)), with two founding principles:
- Religious freedom.
- Separation of church and state.
Unfortunately for America, in a democracy like ours, a majority group always tries to gain an upper-hand over the minorities. Religion is no exception. The video below shows an extreme example.
What does this video really imply? Since America has military bases in more than 150 countries, a Christian army is actually stationed all over the world in order to spread Christianity?
How can we have allowed our country to deviate so far away from our founding principles on religion? Blame our deeply flawed political system!
4. Discussion
The latest phase of modern American history started on September 11, 2001. However, to date, most Americans utterly do not understand its root cause, or are simply in denial. With that, how could we possibly win the War on Terror? For more, read: 9/11: Remembered in America, But Not Understood!
Two facts:
- 15 of 19 Hijackers in the September 11 attacks were Saudi citizens.
- Islamic fundamentalism is most strictly practiced in Saudi Arabia.
Yet, President Trump chose Saudi Arabia to be his first stop in his first overseas trip and signed a Kushner-negotiated $100B Saudi arms deal.
Worse yet for America, President Trump just does not seem to get it. Three recent examples:
- The Muslim travel ban is wrong!
- It was wrong for President Trump to attack London’s mayor (Trump assails London mayor’s terror attack response) right after the London attack! For those who do not get it, imagine that the U.K. Prime Minister attacked the mayor of New York City right after 9/11? Moreover, do you think President Trump would have done it, if London’s mayor had not been a Muslim? For more, watch the video at the end, below.
- It was ridiculously wrong for President Trump to link the London attack with his travel ban (Pres. Trump Responds to London Attack by Advocating for Travel Ban)!
My prediction: the Muslim travel ban will be DOA (Dead on Arrival) at the Supreme Court!
Despite all that, I have, so far, no regret in voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 general election! Why not? Because he is still the lesser of two evils! This is the sad reality of American democracy, which clearly is no longer working! For a holistic analysis and solution, read my book: American Democracy.
5. Closing
President Trump, reform our political system, as I have suggested (American Democracy)! Otherwise, not only will we totally lose the War on Terror, but also a religious war between Christianity and Islam may erupt in America!
Now, please sit back and watch the short video below.
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