Written by John Lounsbury
Econintersect: This excellent presentation reviews more than 2,000 years of the history of money and relates to the current global economic crisis. This documentary includes video clips from people like Peter Schiff, Ellen Brown and Michael Hudson, although most GEI viewers will recognize that what might appear to be agreement in out-of-context clips is actually representing a fundamental disagreement over the nature of money and debt. The Wizard of Oz, the 1899 book by Frank L. Baum, is presented as an allegory about money, economics and politics.
Economic history is cyclical, based on who controls money. The theme of this 2010 film is that periods of bank controlled money has created temporary prosperity followed by economic distress, while long periods of prosperity have resulted when governments have issued money not created as debt (debt-free money).
This is a film that every American should view. It is a clear documentation of the repeated plot of banking cartels to create and maintain a feudalistic system under banking control.
Source: YouTube