Written by Frank Li
Dear Governor Martinez,
This is to request that you seriously consider becoming the second half of the GOP 2016 ticket for the American Presidency!
“Isn’t that up to the GOP nominee?” You may ask.
Yes! But unusual times require unusual measures. This is an unusual time, and you can practically pick the GOP nominee!
In my last post (Scott Walker vs. Rand Paul), I stated:
So the 2016 GOP race may simply come down to this: Governor Martinez, which one do you like better, Governor Walker or Senator Paul? For more, wait for my next post: “An Open Letter to Governor Susana Martinez”!
This is that open letter!
“Why me?” You may ask.
Here are my three main reasons:
- You are a state governor with a proven track record! You are fully qualified to be the Vice President of the United States!
- You are a woman! The Republican Party needs you to attract more woman votes! Note that although I am equally impressed with Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina (An Open Letter to Governor Nikki Haley), you are ahead of her this time for the simple reason below …
- You are a Hispanic, while Governor Haley is an Indian-American! The Republican Party needs you to attract more Hispanic votes!
Ideally, a good government is based on good leaders with good ideas, on top of a good system (Towards an Ideal Form of Government). Sadly, American democracy has come down to these two worst forms of discrimination: sex and race!
You must be the king-maker this time for two main reasons:
- It is a must for America! America must have a GOP President in 2017. For more, read my book: “The GOP Bible for 2016”.
- It’s good for you! By serving as the Vice President in 2017, you will be the next President, the first Hispanic and woman President in America!
Now, how do you choose between Governor Walker and Senator Rand Paul (or any other candidate you like even better)?
Here is a simple litmus test:
- He (or she) must promise to be a one-term (i.e. four years) President, without “getting re-elected ad nauseam“!
- He (or she) must promise to reform our political system with three major constitutional changes as follows:
- Limiting the American Presidency to one term (e.g. six years). America can simply no longer afford to have a President who, throughout the first term, works solely towards his (or her) own re-election!
- Raising the statutory requirements for the American Presidency, such as the minimum age to 55, and only after having served as a state governor for one full-term, at least. America can simply no longer afford to have a President who is inadequately prepared for the top job in America!
- Introducing strict term limits for Congress, preferably one term (e.g. six years) as well. America can simply no longer afford to have career politicians in Congress, emptying the public treasury solely for their own re-election and personal benefits!
For more, read: Diagnosis for America (Version 3) and Solution for America (Version 3).
America is desperately in need of a great peaceful transformational leader like China’s Deng Xiaoping. Both Governor Walker and Senator Paul have the potential of becoming one! With your help, one of them will have the chance! So please seriously consider.
I thank you very much in advance for your attention and look forward to your greatest contribution to America!
Best regards,
— Frank Li
Frank Li, Ph.D.
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