by Frank Li
Dear Senator Paul,
America is desperately in need of a great transformational president, and I think you are the best candidate for 2016. Here are five main reasons:
You are a Republican who is fiscally conservative.
You are not a neo-conservative, whose love for wars is just as bad for the U.S. as any liberal’s love for out-of-control spending.
You are far better than any other possible Republican candidate. Very importantly, just say “no” to career politicians!
Like father, like son. Ron Paul could have been a good President, but he never got the chance. You should have a chance, and you are guaranteed to have one, if you heed my advice!
America does not need another Bush (e.g. Jeb) or Clinton (e.g. Hillary)! Just say “no” to any more political dynasties! Remember: we are a republic, not a monarchy! Nepotism, even by the vote of the people, has been deadly to American democracy (e.g. What’s The Real Cost of The Iraq War?)!
As a staunch supporter of Mitt Romney, I was disappointed by Romney’s loss in 2012. But was I surprised by it? No, not at all! As a matter of fact, in my open letter to Mitt Romney dated 5/18/2012, not only did I predict the eventual outcome, I also spelled out a virtually guaranteed path to success for Romney. Unfortunately, he did not listen …
How could I have guaranteed Romney sure success? Two reasons:
I believe I have the most accurate diagnosis for America, as well as the best solution.
I believe Americans will buy my diagnosis and solution if enough people will listen, especially after an endorsement by a presidential candidate, who is willing to put his support behind it for the sake of America.
Specifically, here is how you are guaranteed to win in 2016:
You must promise to be a one-term (i.e. four years) President, dedicating yourself to running the country, instead of spending the entire first term running for re-election. In other words, just do the best for the country without pandering to special interest groups!
You must promise to fundamentally transform America’s political system by changing the Constitution as follows (Towards An Ideal Form of Government):
Limiting the American Presidency to one-term (e.g. six years).
Raising the statutory requirements for the American Presidency, such as the minimum age to 55, and only after having served as a state governor for one full term, at least.
Introducing strict term-limits for Congress, preferably one-term of six years as well.
Now, based on these new criteria, are you qualified to be the President? No, you are not. You will be only 54 if you become the President around January 20, 2017, and you have never served as a state governor.
This is both a challenge and an opportunity for a transformational leader!
You must rise to the top in the current system, or never have a chance to transform it from the top.
Once at the top, you make the system better by requiring your successors to be even better than you!
Any doubt? Look at Deng Xiaoping!
Deng was a bloody communist before becoming “one of the greatest peaceful transformational leaders in human history” (Romney vs. Deng)! In other words, could Deng have done it without being a [bloody] communist first? No! He would never have had the chance!
Now, imagine this: On your 59th birthday (January 7, 2022), Americans will compare you with President George Washington as follows:
What did President Washington do? He created the republic!
What did President Paul do? He saved the republic!
How much more do you think a human being can possibly achieve?
Senator Paul, be great, truly great! The path to greatness has already been shown to you. For the sake of America as well as for yourself, please listen and just do it!
For a complete school of thought on this, read my book: Saving America, Chinese Style.
Here is an excerpt (page 4,763 of 6,468, Kindle Edition):
Thank you!
Frank Li, Ph.D.
Founder & President, West-East International, Inc.