Early Bird Headlines 21 February 2015
Econintersect: Here are some of the headlines we found to help you start your day. For more headlines see our afternoon feature for GEI members, What We Read Today, which has many more headlines and a number of article discussions to keep you abreast of what we have found interesting.
- Obama’s ISIS War Request Is an “Extraordinary Opportunity” for Congress (Moyers & Company) Situation is compared to Nixon’s request for Cambodian authorization in 1970.
- Are National Champions Really Winners? (Project Syndicate) Not if the Eurozone wants to be a viable political and economic entity.
- When crunch talks go wrong: Some lessons from history (Medium.com) Greece and Alex Tsipras are in a position comparable to the UK and John Maynard Keynes at the end of World War II. Keynes failed then to get terms Britain needed.
- Greece and the EU: a question of trust (Coppola Comment) Frances Coppola has contributed to GEI. Coppola says that the new agreement is a sign that Greece may start to regain trust after years of being untrustworthy under previous governments.
- It’s Time to Kick Germany Out of the Eurozone (Foreign Policy) The anchor dragging down the European economy isn’t Athens — it’s Berlin.
- Israel still refuses to run water to Rawabi (AL Monitor)
- Can Minsk 2.0 Save Ukraine? (Project Syndicate) Hat tip to Rob Carter. Ultimately, what happens in Ukraine will determine if the North Atlantic partnership has any future.
- Enough Already! It’s Time for the West to Arm Ukraine (The World Post) Former Swedish foreign minister (2006-2014) is getting impatient.
- A Ukrainian City Holds Its Breath (Foreign Policy) Far from the front lines, the city of Kharkiv is facing a wave of terrorist attacks. Is it the separatists’ next target?
- Russia Gets Second Junk Rating as Moody’s Cuts on Ukraine, Oil (Bloomberg Business)