Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary “reading list” which will include very brief summaries of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for “reading list” items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number accepted.
- Retirement Strategy: Buying The Dips Worked Once Again (Alan Saltzman, Regarded Solutions, Seeking Alpha) So far, so good.
- Jay Rockefeller bemoans ‘Appalachian myth,’ lax regulations at spill hearing (Erica Martinson, Politico) Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
“I came from outside of Appalachia, so sometimes I see Appalachia in ways that are different than others,” the West Virginia Democrat said, adding that the myth is “the idea that somehow God has it in his plan to make sure that industry is going to make life safe for them.”
- The Debt Crisis in Puerto Rico: Why Is It Not More Newsworthy? (Robert E. Prasch, New Economic Perspectives) The financial crisis in Puerto Rico is far larger and affects many times as many people compared to Detroit. Yet Puerto Rico gets relatively little attention in the media.
Four of the articles “Behind the Wall” are about interesting new facts concerning Obamacare, including a short debunking of one economic claim in an Econintersect discussion of one of the articles. In addition there are six other articles.
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