Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary “reading list” which will include very brief summaries of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for “reading list” items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number accepted.
- Florida Professors Experimented With a Little Naked Short Selling (Matt Levine, Bloomberg) This is either a 60 second scan or a one hour deep study. Efforts in between are likely to be inefficient.
- Coming to a Post Office Near You: Loans You Can Trust? (Elizabeth Warren, Huffington Post) In 2012 $89 billion was sucked out of poverty level households by private vampires. See also next article.
- The Post Office Should Just Become a Bank (David Dayen, The New Republic) The 10% of poverty level income (on average) is spent on financial services such as payday loans and exorbitant credit card fees. An new report by the U.S. Inspector General suggests that could be reduced by 90% by establishing a the Post Office as a bank. See also preceding article.
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