Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary “reading list” which will include very brief summaries of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for “reading list” items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number accepted.
- The Myth of the “Self Made Man” (Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism) The message could be paraphrased by quoting John Donne: “No man is an island.”
- Is America’s Retirement Crisis Fixable? (Eric McWhinnie, Wall St. Cheat Sheet) Cardinal sin is having a question for a headline and an article that does not answer the question. Unless you accept this statement as an answer: “Ultimately, the responsibility of retirement falls on individuals. “
- Talking Troubled Turkey (Paul Krugman, The New York Times) Turkey may have problems, but Krugman says the entire world is in trouble.
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