Econintersect: More than half of all Americans think that marijuana should be legalized, according to a poll conducted by CNN and ORC International. That sentiment, which had never before risen above 35%, surged to 43% in favor in 2012 and to 55% this month (January 2014). With a margin of error of +/-3% a majority of Americans now believe that pot should be legal. In October Gallup found 58% (+/- 4%) in favor of legalizing marijuana.
Marijuana plants in greenhouse.
Here is the historical data from Gallup presented graphically:
As reported by GEI News in six weeks ago, legalizing marijuana would be worth billions to local governments in tax revenues and decreased law enforcement expenses.
- Marijuana Poll (CNN and ORC International, 06 January 2014)
- For First Time, Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana (Art Swift, Gallup, 22 October 2013)
- Ending Marijuana Prohibition Worth Billions (GEI News, 10 December 2014)