Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list describes the potential financial crisis from a U.S. default that would make the Lehman crisis “look like a pimple” …….. and the last article reviews the activism of all supreme courts since World War II.
- A U.S. Default Seen as Catastrophe Dwarfing Lehman’s Fall (Yalman Onaran, Bloomberg) The Great Financial Crisis could be just a “pimple”?
- Structured Finance: Sovereign Debt, Banks, and Gold (Part Three) (Janet Tavakoli, Tavakoli Structured Finance) Janet Tavakoli has contributed to Global Economic Intersection. This is part three of a series. Read also Structured Finance: Price Manipulation Includes Silver and Gold (Part One) and Who Says Gold Is Money? (Part Two)
- The 9 Ways That Twitter Could Fail, According to Twitter (Derek Thompson, The Atlantic)
- Market Update 11 Oct 2013: Gold Stocks Keep Falling (Priced in Gold) Hat tip to John O’Donnell, Online Trading Academy. The Gold Bugs Index (^HUI) has declined 60% over the past 30 months, a bigger drop than for stocks in the market crash 2007-09.
- Study Shows Why Some People Can’t Wake Up (Melissa Melton, Truthstream) Hat tip to Roger Erickson. This is not the first article we have listed addressing this topic.
- Inside the Republican Suicide Machine (Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone)
- Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low (Andrew Dugan, Gallup)
- The Six Big Takeaways From the Government Shutdown (Nate Silver, Fivethirtyeight, via FT Alphaville) The political impact will be less than many pundits are saying.
- Koch and Other Conservatives Split Over Strategy on Health Law (Eric Lipton and Nicholas Confessore, The New York Times)
- How Activist is the Supreme Court? (Adam Liptak, The New York Times) Hat tip to Ben Peterson, Newsana. The court may have extremists but it the least activist over the past 60 years.