Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list discusses the “BRIC bust” …….. and the last article is about how the defense industry gets what they want through political contributions.
- BRIC Bust Seen in Emerging Market Discontent With Growth (Joshua Goodman and Matthew Malinowski , Bloomberg)
- Bizarre New “Texas Longhorn” Dinosaur Bolsters Controversial Theory of Dino Diversity (Bryan Bumgardner, Scientific American) The illustration makes this look like hoax, but it is very real.
Three part series from Fabius Maximus, who contributes to Global Economic Intersection:
- An Inconvenient Truth: Bonds Have Vicious Bear Markets Too (Steve Rumsey, Optimus Advisory Group, Advisor Perspectives) For the last nine bond bear markets, only once did stacks rally.
- Avalanche of City Debt Downgrades and Eventual Bankruptcies Coming Up; Numerous Cities Bankrupt Over Pension Promises (Michael Shedlock, Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis) Written before the Detroit bankruptcy announcement.
- Commodity hedge funds suffer longest losing streak on record (Tommy Wilkes, Reuters) “Funds betting on commodity price moves have lost money every month since January, their joint longest losing streak on record….”
- The Painful Truth: Greece Needs a Debt Haircut Now (Stefan Kaiser, Der Spiegel)
- Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash (David Kravits, Wired) Hat tip to Dan Flemming. “How can we trust legislators to vote in the public interest when they are dependent on industry campaign funding to get elected? Our broken money and politics system forces lawmakers into a conflict of interest between lawmakers’ voters and their donors.” – Daniel G. Newman, MapLight president and co-founder.