Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has an article that argues the biggest problem with banks is in fact size and not complexity…….. and the last article is about denial by farmers of human caused climate change.
- Banks’ Size is Greater Threat Than Complexity (Red Jahncke, Bloomberg) The reason is lack of competition.
- Chase, Once Considered “The Good Bank,” Is About to Pay Another Massive Settlement (Matt Taibbi, Taibblog, Rolling Stone)
- Beyond Debt and Growth (Dollars & Sense, July/August 2013) Hat tip to Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism. Interview with Robert Pollin about the misrepresentations about and by Rogoff and Reinhart. This is a must read.
- A U.S. Stock Market Rally to Sell (Scott Minerd, Guggenheim Partners, Advisor Perspectives)
- Misfit Borrowers Attracting Lenders as Housing Revives (John Gittelsohn and Prashant Gopal, Bloomberg) Here we go again. But who needs regulation?
- Fools Say “Sell the Gold Rally” (Mike Shedlock, Mish’s Global Economic Technical Analysis)
- David Henderson: The Prince of Adirondac (Pete Nelson, Adirondack Almanack)
Click on photo for photographer Carl Heilman II website.
- Reaal resurrection? (Joseph Cotterill, FTAlphaville) Eurozone bank bail-ins continue, and get bigger.
- one execution, many explanations (Blood & Treasure) How China executed their Madoff and the comedy of errors that surrounded the case, if you can use the word comedy for an execution.
- U.S. Farmers View Climate Change as Just Another Weather Challenge (David Biello, Scientific American) “Why don’t U.S. farmers believe in human-caused climate change?“